No matter if they try to hide the numbers, once the bodies start piling up,
reality will rear it's ugly head.
There is empirical data from a web-based thermometer company that is
tracking fevers not related to flu...they have been telling CDC about it...
Hey Inept Administration , fucking do something!

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020, 12:03 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:

> As this whole COVID-19 thing evolves, there are emerging numerous
> anomalies WRT cases vs population vs deaths.
> At this point, it looks like Italy (population 60 million) has the highest
> per capita cases and deaths (35,713 cases, 2,978 deaths). In a few days,
> their fatality rate will exceed China's).
> The US is an outlier with a population of 360 million, yet only 10,755
> cases, and only 154 deaths. This is probably a massive under-count driven
> by the lack of testing.
> Russia with a population of 140 million has had only 199 cases and 1
> death. Does anyone think this is real?
> India with a population of 1.3 billion has had only 184 cases and 4
> deaths. Seriously?
> I could go on and on. This is going to get more interesting as it goes.
> For the last week or so, new cases have been staring to  exceed 16,000 per
> day.
> --
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> --
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