It’s so strange that some people are asymptomatic.  Yet for many people the 
symptoms are terrible and go on for a long time.  Like Chris Cuomo has 
described (not sure why he’s still on TV).  Or I read that Amy Klobuchar’s 
husband had to go to the hospital when he started puking up blood.  It can’t 
just be age or underlying conditions, those are both relatively young people in 
good health.  Yet other people don’t even know they had it, I guess they’re the 
Typhoid Mary’s of Covid 19.


Maybe there’s a genetic factor to what you’re describing.


Supposedly the limiting factor to how many people can be put on ventilators 
might be they are running out of the sedatives they use when they intubate 
people.  And they’re running out of swabs to test people.  Damn, can’t we make 
anything?  I guess the “just in time” economy is literally killing us.


I read something about Finland being the preppers of the Baltic.  Unlike Sweden 
and Norway they are still paranoid about Russia and have maintained their Cold 
War era preparedness.  They probably have lots of toilet paper.  They also have 
lots of medical equipment and PPE, although if they are N95 masks from 1950 
they might not be in prime condition.  Apparently Finland shares a border with 
Russia and has access only to the Baltic Sea, not the North Atlantic.



From: AF <> On Behalf Of Cameron Crum
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 3:51 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT masks


There is an antibody test now available and a lab in town here doing it. 
Priority is given to first responders, and it's already a month out. However, I 
read an article yesterday that had lots of info on how the virus acts and they 
were saying ventilators may be making it worse. Apparently, the virus latches 
on to the heme in your hemoglobin in your red cells, disassociating the toxic 
oxidative iron ion that attracts the O2. This prevents O2 from bonding to the 
red blood cells. To make matters worse, it is a permanent condition and the 
only fix is generating or introducing new red blood cells that can carry 
oxygen. Your kidneys start producing erythropoietin which tells your bone 
marrow to start ramping up production. That toxic iron now running around 
overwhelms the epithelial surface of the lungs which usually takes care of this 
stuff when it occurs naturally. This leads to damage and inflammation in the 
lungs, not pneumonia. So, now your liver kicks up its iron storage capability 
but soon gets overwhelmed and starts releasing ALT which is a cry for help. At 
that point, it is almost too late. If you bone marrow can't produce new red 
cells faster than the virus attacks them, it's all over. No amount of forcing 
air into the lungs will help. Providing pure oxygen like in a hyperbaric 
chamber may, but direct blood transfusions with healthy red cells is the best 
chance as there are not a lot of  hyperbaric chambers around. So, 
Hydroxychloroquine works the same way it does on malaria (which by the way 
attacks hemoglobin as well), by preventing the virus from attaching to the 
hemoglobin. It also lowers the blood pH helping to stop the replication of the 
virus. If you can keep your cells carrying oxygen and slow down virus 
replication, Your body can probably handle the rest. 



On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 12:15 PM Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

What everyone tries not to talk about is there’s evidently not that much a 
hospital can do.  If you just need IV fluids and oxygen, sure.  But if you need 
one of those ventilators, the prognosis is grim.  It sounds like the survival 
rate for people who are intubated is somewhere in the 20 to 40% range.


Obviously if the hospitals get overrun, now you get Italy, where the mortality 
fate even for non-Covid cases skyrockets.


I’m agreeing with you here, but we’re buying time until (a) universal testing 
(b) testing to see who has recovered and has at least temporary immunity, (c) 
new therapies being tested that could be more effective than ventilators, and 
(d) a vaccine.


BTW, the TV news was just talking about Los Angeles where businesses can now 
refuse to serve people not wearing masks, to protect frontline workers in 
essential businesses.  Reporter in the field said he observed people talking 
loudly about people NOT wearing masks.



From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Robert
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 11:46 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT masks


We drove 1.5 hrs to a town with no reported infections ( yeah lot of bs that is 
) and were shopping is a safeway for 15 minutes, the safeway had all the 
precautions and people wiping stuff down.   Then some lady without a mask ( 
this is in California where masks are supposed to be required ) started hacking 
up a lung right by the checkout counters, 1/2 way into her bare elbow.   It was 
pretty obvious that this wasn't an ordinary coughing fit.  We were all decked 
out in PPE but that drove home decontaminating when we got home.  But the wife 
doesn't get it.  8/10's isn't good enough.   We are going to come down with it 
somewhere along the line.  It's certain.  Just hope it is after the hospitals 
are past the worst point so that we can get taken care of instead of triaged.  
So I will stay away and hope that I don't get someone else sick...

On 4/7/20 7:22 PM, <>  wrote:

No, sorry.  The redneck and his woman were not wearing masks.  


From: Matt Hoppes 

Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 8:11 PM

To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT masks


Very confused by this story. Other people wearing masks made fun of you wearing 
a mask?

On Apr 7, 2020, at 9:43 PM, < <> > 
< <> > wrote:

Put on gloves and a mask to pick up a few things at the grocery store.  Walked 
in and there was a construction worker in a mask, then a soccer mom.... then a 
skinny redneck, with his skinny redneck wife.  Started clucking like a chicken 
when he saw me and his wife was taking a video.  Was not quite calling me a 
chicken loud enough that I could clearly make out exactly what he was doing, 
but was grandstanding for his skanky woman....


Funny how fast my natural pugilistic nature of my youth sprung into action.  I 
literally had to stop myself from backing him into a display of pork and beans 
with some comments of “you got a problem with me”.  Visions of a throat punch 
were clear in my head...


But I calmed myself, reminded myself that going to jail or the ER or a dentist 
would not be fun this evening, and moved alone.  Ran into a handful of other 
chickens on the way out the store.  

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