Are you saying you *don't* root for the dinosaurs in Jurassic park? 🤔

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 4:32 PM Steve Jones <>

> I knew something wasnt right about ken. I bet he watches Jurassic park and
> roots for the  dinosaurs too
> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 4:20 PM James Howard <> wrote:
>> Since there haven’t been any new baby dinosaurs born for a really long
>> time it seems that dinosaurs would have to be really old……   Not trying to
>> point fingers but aren’t you really old Ken?
>> *From:* AF [] *On Behalf Of *Ken Hohhof
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 5, 2020 3:46 PM
>> *To:* 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?
>> I assume everyone saw the news item today about researchers saying the
>> original Wuhan virus mutated to a more contagious strain that has pushed
>> out its less aggressive predecessor in Europe and the US east coast.  That
>> certainly throws cold water on some of the vaccine optimism that was
>> starting to build.
>> Also, the way humans are reacting to this (and to climate change before
>> it) is starting to make me think we are no better at handling new threats
>> than the dinosaurs were when an asteroid triggered an ice age.  And that we
>> may all (not just the weak and old among us) go the way of the dinosaurs.
>> I mean jeez, folks, it hasn’t even been 2 months and we’re turning on each
>> other and shooting guards at Family Dollar and talking about gutting and
>> eating our neighbors.  (and their stash of Vienna sausages?)
>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 5, 2020 3:25 PM
>> *To:* 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?
>> Need to see if they will float first.
>> *From:* James Howard
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:17 PM
>> *To:* 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group'
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?
>> Seems that what was proved by this is that nobody can even agree on what
>> they agree about.
>> I certainly don’t agree with #2.  It is most certainly WAY more
>> contagious and easily spread than “the flu” but until we’ve gone a full
>> year we won’t know what the actual % death rate is (if we even know then
>> due to all the debates about what is counted).
>> One of the articles posted along the way here stated that this is about
>> 300 times more contagious than “the flu” but the actual rate of death to
>> cases is lower.  What is the definition of being “more deadly”?
>> I disagree about shooting everyone though.  I think we should all be
>> burned at the stake.  This of course leads to arguments about what kind of
>> fuel to use and how to ignite it…….
>> *From:* AF [ <>] *On
>> Behalf Of *Steve Jones
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:11 PM
>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?
>> so 2-4 off the firs list are off the first list.
>> you could probably find somebody to argue number 1, if nobody steps up,
>> ill argue it
>> settled science doesnt exist, thats the exact opposite of science
>> i think we should just shoot everybody. thats got nothing to do with the
>> disease, we should just all be shot. a whole lot less disagreement that
>> way. Would never work though, we would never get past the caliber argument
>> to even get to shooting
>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 1:48 PM Robert Andrews <>
>> wrote:
>> Not sure about a4.   I don't think Hong Kong, South Korea, New Zealand,
>> Australia has the same statistics as anywhere else but that depends upon
>> what statistics you are talking about.    Hong Kong stands out the most.
>>    Look at the cases and the deaths as of Today and you will wonder WTF
>> are they making it all up?  Could be, but most think they are accurate
>> because they dealt with SARS before, they really knew what they were
>> doing more than any other country.   4 deaths.
>> On 05/05/2020 10:41 AM, Steven Kenney wrote:
>> > Can summarize this pretty easily.  These are facts that probably we can
>> > agree upon.
>> >
>> > 1) Its a RNA based virus similar if not exactly like an exosome.
>> > 2) Its definitely more deadly than the regular flu
>> > 3) It isn't as deadly as everyone estimated it to be. (statistics and
>> > predictions are all off)
>> > 4) Countries who didn't close their economy has similar statistics than
>> > countries that did.
>> > 5) I'm still staying home either way just to be safe!
>> >
>> > These points are to be debated and NOBODY can say with absolute
>> > certainty these things are correct.
>> >
>> > 1) The virus originated from China
>> > 2) It originated from a lab studying the virus.
>> > 3) It escaped either intentionally or accidentally.
>> > 4) The demographics the virus impacts may or may not be specific (old,
>> > young, white, black, asian etc)
>> > 5) The people reporting statistics for deaths/infections are 100%
>> > accurate.  There are cases all over of under reporting and over
>> reporting.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Steven Kenney
>> > Network Operations Manager
>> > WaveDirect Telecommunications
>> >
>> > (519)737-WAVE (9283)
>> >
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > *From: *"Mathew Howard" <>
>> > *To: *"af" <>
>> > *Sent: *Tuesday, May 5, 2020 12:59:03 PM
>> > *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?
>> >
>> > It seems to me, that what really matters is how many deaths there have
>> > been in excess of what the average was for the same period in previous
>> > years (yes, I know that's what they're talking about in the NYT
>> article,
>> > but I'm too lazy to read it all and see how much detail they go into).
>> > We can argue all day about whether somebody that died of a heart attack
>> > died because they had covid19 or whether they just had an unrelated
>> > heart attack and just happened to have a mild case of covid, and
>> whether
>> > they should be counted, but in the end, it doesn't really matter. If
>> > say, an average of 10,000 people died in X state in April for the past
>> 5
>> > years, and this year 15,000 died, then we can pretty safely blame 5,000
>> > of those deaths on covid. It doesn't really matter if 6,000 people
>> > actually died of covid, but 1000 of them would've died of flu anyway,
>> > and it just happened to be covid that finished them off instead, or if
>> > 500 got so sick of sitting in front of the tv that they jumped off a
>> > bridge and were never infected.
>> > I don't think we'll ever have particularly accurate numbers of how many
>> > people directly died of the infection (other than maybe in Utah), but
>> in
>> > a few months we should have pretty accurate numbers of how many excess
>> > deaths there were.
>> >
>> > On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 11:22 AM Ken Hohhof <
>> <>> < <>>>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >     Those who suspect an “agenda” will immediately dispute these graphs
>> >     because the source is NYT which they will perceive as biased.  But
>> >     if you read the article, they go out of their way to point out
>> >     possible errors in the data, as well as other influences like
>> >     overloaded healthcare system led to people dying of other causes,
>> >     but also less deaths due to traffic and violence.  And the data as
>> >     Bill says is from other sources, the paper didn’t make them up to
>> >     suit a political agenda or bias.____
>> >
>> >     __ __
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >     __ __
>> >
>> >     In other countries like Italy, no doubt the deaths were undercounted
>> >     because the system was overwhelmed.  Even in NYC, the morgues and
>> >     crematories are overloaded, they are stuffing bodies in refrigerated
>> >     semis, you can’t possibly claim these are just the normal deaths
>> >     being mislabeled as Covid related to suit an agenda.  Then you have
>> >     all the prison and nursing home deaths.  OK, sure, elderly people
>> >     croak all the time, it’s a hoax.____
>> >
>> >     __ __
>> >
>> >     __ __
>> >
>> >     *From:* AF <
>> <>>     <
>> <>>> *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince
>> >     *Sent:* Tuesday, May 5, 2020 11:02 AM
>> >     *To:* < <>>
>> >     *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?____
>> >
>> >     __ __
>> >
>> >     The numbers posted on various web sites are neither government
>> >     sourced or corporate sourced. Hospitals, clinics, and morgues are
>> >     supplying the numbers. There is a level of uncertainty because of
>> >     different criteria. That is true for the US cases, but probably not
>> >     for other countries. For example, the numbers coming from China (and
>> >     several other countries) are by design government based. But to
>> >     brush them all off as "government or corporations" is being naive at
>> >     least.____
>> >
>> >     I would not say that "most" patients have pre-existing conditions.
>> >     Maybe a high percentage, but it does not explain why such a large
>> >     number of otherwise healthy people are being infected the way they
>> >     are. At some point, we will figure out that there is a genetic or
>> >     environmental factor that we just do not understand yet.____
>> >
>> >     I (for one) do not believe the numbers are 100% accurate, but I also
>> >     do not believe the numbers are 100% fictitious either. Where you cut
>> >     off is probably a personal thing.____
>> >
>> >     bp____
>> >
>> >     <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>____
>> >
>> >     __  __
>> >
>> >     On 5/5/2020 6:55 AM, Steven Kenney wrote:____
>> >
>> >         You guys work with statistics much?  You think the numbers are
>> >         accurate?  At what point have you ever seen government or
>> >         corporations represent 100% accurate numbers?____
>> >
>> >         __ __
>> >
>> >         I'll let you do your own homework.  But I've seen hundreds of
>> >         reports from all over the place of deaths of natural causes
>> >         being classified as covid deaths.  Since most patients have
>> >         existing conditions and many were already dying and died of
>> >         those conditions (heart attack, cancer etc)  are being
>> >         attributed to covid.  Some people have estimated that upward of
>> >         20% misrepresented.  So as long as there is 1 case that is
>> >         questionable - the statistics are not accurate. ____
>> >
>> >         __ __
>> >
>> >         --
>> >         Steven Kenney
>> >         Network Operations Manager
>> >         WaveDirect Telecommunications
>> >
>> >         (519)737-WAVE (9283)____
>> >
>> >         __ __
>> >
>> >
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >
>> >         *From: *"Bill Prince" <>
>> >         < <>>
>> >         *To: *"af" <> <
>> <>>
>> >         *Sent: *Monday, May 4, 2020 2:04:16 PM
>> >         *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] OT Is this good?____
>> >
>> >         __ __
>> >
>> >         The numbers are not "completely" false, but it's the best we can
>> >         do when we don't actually test all the suspected infections. It
>> >         also (probably) missed a whole lot of the early deaths, as they
>> >         were miss-classified. If you think under-ground near-do-wells
>> >         are planted in all the hospitals around the country and are
>> >         coordinating false numbers on all the rest of us, then I have a
>> >         tin hat that might fit real well.____
>> >
>> >         __ __
>> >
>> >         bp____
>> >
>> >         <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>____
>> >
>> >         __ __
>> >
>> >         On 5/4/2020 10:48 AM, Steven Kenney wrote:____
>> >
>> >             Numbers are completely false.  Even with that taken into
>> >             regard it still is just as lethal as the regular flu.  While
>> >             it is way more harsh on people if they get it, most people
>> >             have underlying conditions, or didn't know they had them, or
>> >             didn't take it serious when they got it. ____
>> >
>> >             __ __
>> >
>> >             Unfortunately politicians never waste a crisis to further
>> >             their agenda. ____
>> >
>> >             __ __
>> >
>> >             --
>> >             Steven Kenney
>> >             Network Operations Manager
>> >             WaveDirect Telecommunications
>> >   
>> >             (519)737-WAVE (9283)____
>> >
>> >             __ __
>> >
>> >
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >
>> >             *From: *"chuck" <> <
>> <>>
>> >             *To: *"af" <> <
>> <>>
>> >             *Sent: *Monday, May 4, 2020 12:30:08 PM
>> >             *Subject: *[AFMUG] OT Is this good?____
>> >
>> >             __ __
>> >
>> >             image____
>> >
>> >             ____
>> >
>> >             Every time I get my hopes up this curve breaks my heart...
>> >             Let’s hope we are on the tail of a normal curve. ____
>> >
>> >             6 days in a row decline.  But it has done this cycle 3 times
>> >             before with a huge spike after. ____
>> >
>> >
>> >             --
>> >             AF mailing list
>> >    < <>>
>> >   
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >             ____
>> >
>> >
>> >         --
>> >         AF mailing list
>> > < <>>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >         ____
>> >
>> >     --
>> >     AF mailing list
>> > < <>>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > AF mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
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