One issue that confused me was the tree trimmers for our electric company had a good sized limb fall onto a fiber drop cable.  I talked to the crew and tried to have a conversation with them about their liability insurance and they claimed I was the first person to ever imply that they might be liable.  They said they try to drop trees safely, but sometimes they don't fall where you want, and generally they just call the affected utility and they come out and fix it.  Their position was essentially, "you benefit from the tree trimming, but that comes with a risk of damage and you just deal with it."

It didn't occur to me at the time, but maybe I should have asked the power co.  Maybe their agreement with the contractor puts the liability on them.  I assume /someone/ accepts liability for damage.

On 8/19/2020 10:13 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

Around here, both towns and utilities mostly hire tree services to trim the trees around the poles and wires.  So the trimming and chipping usually go together. Bucket truck for the guy with the chain saw, and a dump truck pulling a shredder with a couple guys ground crew feeding the shredder and cleaning up with leafblowers.

Our village does have some of their own equipment, but I think they like being able to contract most of the routine tree trimming out because there are lots of tree services and the competition drives the price down.

*From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 19, 2020 9:03 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Utility Pole Attachment - Tree Trimming?

Nice, this is probably where we’ll end up. Ideally, we could find a balance of: we cut, town chips.

*From:* AF < <>> *On Behalf Of *Mark Radabaugh
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 18, 2020 7:48 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <>>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Utility Pole Attachment - Tree Trimming?

The vast majority of pole lines are on public ROW which means the local political entity controls the property and is generally responsible for the condition of the trees.   When we have asked in the past if the village (insert whatever political entity you like) cared if we trimmed around lines none had any issue with it.   Most said thanks - they didn’t want to do it.


    On Aug 18, 2020, at 1:32 AM, Steve Jones
    < <>> wrote:

    thats probably a component of the utility owner. around here there
    are contracts that just V out every tree. I never really thought
    about who initiates the contracts, I just wished I had them, you
    can butcher the hell out of trees with no consequense

    On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 10:58 PM TJ Trout <
    <>> wrote:

        What does it normally take to get the attachment agreement?
        How much red tape and requirements?

        All the best,

        TJ Trout
        Volt Broadband

        Find us on peeringdb!

        On Mon, Aug 17, 2020, 7:17 PM <
        <>> wrote:

            Does a utility pole attachment agreement typically allow
            for any tree trimming in the right of way?

            Or, is that something only the utility may do?


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