Probably not relevant, but is the Mikrotik port part of a bridge, and if so,
is RSTP enabled?  I only mention that because I get weird problems if I
enable RSTP on Mikrotik bridges, in fact I turn STP off entirely unless the
topology is such that a bridge loop could occur.

-----Original Message-----
From: AF <> On Behalf Of David Coudron
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 2:11 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] EPMP and Nested DHCP Option82

I might be mis-remembering how our stuff is set up, but I don't think the
Mikrotiks write anything back to Sonar.   Basically, we assign an IP to a
MAC in Sonar.   That is written to the DHCP server in Mikrotik (basically
create a DHCP reservation).   Client radio connects and the DHCP request is
forwarded to the Tik with the DHCP server running.   The Tik assigns the IP
and away we go.   Sonar doesn't know about successful DHCP assignment or
not, we always check the DHCP server to see if it is Waiting, Offered, or
Bound.   But ours might be quite a bit different without Option 82.   

David Coudron

-----Original Message-----
From: AF <> On Behalf Of Nate Burke
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 1:58 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] EPMP and Nested DHCP Option82

No Preseem, and Sonar is only  the receiver of the Data from The Mikrotik
via the DHCPBatcher, it does not set anything in the Mikrotik.

On 9/20/2020 1:57 PM, David Coudron wrote:
> Do you use Preseem?   The post in the Sonar forum mentioned Preseem and we
have been getting some Preseem integration errors recently.   Again, we
don't use Option 82, and we aren't seeing any issues other than the annoying
error every once in awhile, but I wonder if Sonar is having some issues.
> Regards,
> David Coudron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AF <> On Behalf Of Nate Burke
> Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 1:48 PM
> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] EPMP and Nested DHCP Option82
> Hmm, I just had it happen again with Option82 in the EPMP1000 AP 
> turned off.  Maybe there's something else going on.  Still, rebooting 
> the
> EPMP1000 AP is the only thing that fixed it.
> On 9/20/2020 12:55 PM, David Coudron wrote:
>> I just saw a post in the Sonar forum that looks pretty similar to this
one.   We don't use Option 82, but otherwise have Sonar write the DHCP table
to the Mikrotiks.   If someone requests a DHCP that isn't in Sonar, we just
assign them a Penalty Box IP address that doesn't have access to the
Internet.    This seems to work pretty well.
>> David Coudron
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: AF <> On Behalf Of Nate Burke
>> Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 11:40 AM
>> To: Animal Farm <>
>> Subject: [AFMUG] EPMP and Nested DHCP Option82
>> I'm running into a strange issue that's being difficult to replicate.
>> EPMP 3k AP W/option82 -> EPMP 300 SM -> Switch
>> Local Customer and EPMP1000 radio plug into this switch
>> EPMP1000 2.4 AP (nonGPS w/Option82)  -> EPMP1000 2.4SM
>> I'm using Option 82 so that Sonar can Tie the Public IP Address to the
MAC of equipment on the customer account.
>> The Local customer off the switch runs just fine, Option 82 records 
>> the
>> EPMP300 SM MAC, it has had no problems.
>> But the Customer behind the EPMP1000 radio randomly loses the ability to
get a DHCP Lease.  The Mikrotik DHCP Server Log just reports 'Offered
>> DHCP Lease without success'.   When it does work, Option82 shows the MAC
>> of the EPMP1000 SM Like it's supposed to. DHCP Lease time is set to 3 
>> hours.  At some point between 3-24 hours, the customers router will 
>> lose its lease and won't be able to renew it.  The only way to get it 
>> working again is to reboot the EPMP1000 AP.  Rebooting the EPMP300 SM 
>> or the
>> EPMP1000 SM does not fix it.  And it doesn't happen at every lease
renewal, yesterday it ran for 16 hours before suddenly losing it's lease.
>> I have just disabled option 82 in the EPMP1000 AP and I'm guessing that
will fix the customer, but I lose the ability to automatically track them in
Sonar.  I've tried Firmware 4.4.3 and 4.5.5 on the EPMP1000, it's had the
issue on both of them.  Anybody run into something like this before?
>> --
>> AF mailing list
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