Access to power, you might want it in the future if not now.   Future development plans..   mineral rights...

On 1/2/21 10:20 PM, Cassidy B. Larson wrote:
Sources of water or water rights for the property. Here they don’t let you 
build a cabin without it.

Taxes. Not sure about your state, but here “greenbelt” (grazed on/agricultural) 
land gets substantially lower tax rates. Make friends with a live stock owner 
near your property to have them graze yours so you don’t pay more than you 
should. Here it’s a minimum of 5 acres to qualify.

Do you need to fence the property? Costs to maintain?

Easements/access agreements. Who bares the cost to maintain the roads?

Good luck!

On Jan 2, 2021, at 22:29, Adam Moffett <> wrote:

I'm poking around Zillow for a piece of cheap land.

Basically looking for some place to play around in the woods, with the 
possibility of building an off-grid camp/cabin in the future.

The pitfalls I'm aware of are wetlands and places with no access.  What else 
should I watch out for?'

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