Yep that is the deal most homes are either heat pump or Natural Gas. The Natural Gas hs had issues keeping up to causing heaters to run longer using more electricity. Yes is gets hot in the summers max though on average is 110 deg F if you cool your house to 75 then your only looking at a 35 deg temperature deference. So since about 2 am Monday morning at my house it has been bellow 10 deg F if you heat your house to 60 then that is a 50+ deg temperature differential. Combine that with poorly insulated homes most builders build here (code isn't near as strict as places up north like NY or Wisconsin) .

I've been keeping my house around 55deg and already had 1/2 my plumping freeze up even with the faucets dripping. Mainly because all the pipes are in the attic without insulation. Luckily my hot water heaters are in between the two furnaces so hopefully they won't freeze up before Friday. Told the wife when we bought this house it was built poorly, but she thought it looked pretty so guess what we did... Now she always complains about the power and gas bills I just bite my lip most times.

On 2/15/2021 8:37 PM, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
A Air Conditioner or Heat Pump nominally provides about 3-5KW of cooling or heating for every 1 KW it uses in electricity.   Texas has a lot of heat pumps that don’t work well or at all when temperatures get into the teens and they switch to a straight electric resistance heat.   Electric usage triples (or worse) when the heat pump goes to resistance heat.  That never happens with Air Conditioning in the summer.


On Feb 15, 2021, at 8:56 PM, Steve Jones < <>> wrote:

I dont understand the rolling blackouts. its hot as balls in texas in the summer so youd figure peak demand with all the AC then is well over what it is in the winter. Whats stepping up the winter demand? are you guys mostly electric heat and hot water or something there?

We maybe see some brownout here in peak summer, but winter its never an issue other than storm damage outages because we never learn to harden anything here

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 7:07 PM Ron M. < <>> wrote:

    My home in Fort Stockton has been out for going on 8 hours now,
    and TNMP says repair time is 5pm tomorrow.

    I'm in Austin, so won't be back out west until the weekend. At
    least I've got someone looking after the house while I'm gone.

    On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 5:39 PM Jaime Solorza
    < <>> wrote:

        El Paso Electric which serves our area and Southern New
        Mexico is not part of the other Texas utilities experiencing
        rolling power outages.  Back in 2011 we had power outages and
        water pipe damage.  Both utilities took steps to prove
        systems with anti-freeze technology and all types of sensors.
        We installed several sensors and links for many of these
        projects years ago.
        As of 6:00pm today only 3,000 customers lost power for five
        Hope you guys are safe.

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