im looking for something a little sour, but not bitter, i dont like fruit
at all, miller lite is tasting too sweet to me. I really like the modelo
negra, has a sweet first sip but that goes away. i want refreshing, sour
and not heavy in the gut, i dont like any drink to sit with me. Theres also
winter drink and summer drink, in the winter i sit and drink inside, in the
summer i like to do stuff and have some drinks, id like if they had a
winter alcohol content and and summer alcohol content, maybe 3 percent in
the summer and 5 or 6 in the winter.
This is why I never got the fixins to make beer, it would become my full
time obsession to get that perfect flavor, and when I hit it Id be too
drunk to remember the recipe and process. but if the flavor was right id
replace my mountain dew with it, i like beer, so id have to come up with a
zero proof recipe

On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 12:18 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:

> Ales will get bitterness largely from the amount of hops and/or when and
> how the hops are added. Sierra nevada (and others) make a late-hopped ale.
> Sierra Nevada calls it "Torpedo" because they add an extra kick of hops
> late in the brewing stage via a "torpedo" filled with hops.
> Some have started doing "hazy IPA", which is a cloudy beer (as opposed to
> clear). These will often have a hint of fruit.
> Not hazy, but real interesting is Hell or High Watermelon from the 21st
> Amendment. It is slightly fruity, but not as much as you might infer from
> the name.
> Beer making is just really getting started. The art is maybe 100 years
> behind wine making in where it stands today.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/11/2021 10:02 AM, Adam Moffett wrote:
> There's a lot of variance.  That's part of the charm I guess.
> I thought I didn't like IPA for a really long time.  Turns out some of
> them are sour and some of them taste fruity.  I'm told this depends on what
> type of hops they used....but IDK.  I like the fruity IPA, but I only had a
> couple sour ones so I avoided all IPA for a long time.
> I had a really smooth and tasty Scotch Ale and went around saying Scotch
> Ale was great.  Then I had a different Scotch Ale and it was harsh AF.
> I haven't yet had a milk stout that didn't suck.  Any beer with coffee
> flavor is also not my thing.
> "Bitter" is a type that sounds like it ought to be bad, but so far has
> been good every time.
> Blue Moon is supposed to be a Belgian wheat ale with orange flavor, and I
> really like that one.  I tried a craft beer labeled as a Belgian wheat ale
> with orange flavor and it was really bland.
> Porter is great in a stew, but not as great for just drinking.
> Lager and pilsner are safe from almost any brand.  Most of the mass
> produced beers are either a lager or pilsner, so these'll taste familiar at
> least.  For a mass produced, American beer my go-to is Miller High Life, or
> Genesee.  Don't know if you have Genny in your locality, but they make it
> on the Genesee river in NY so the toxic waste gives it a nice twang.  It's
> got a little more flavor than that Alabama crick water they call Budweiser.
> -Adam
> On 3/11/2021 12:24 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
> I'm leery of most of that weird shit, too much of it tastes like yard
> waste and dandelions
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2021, 10:37 AM Adam Moffett <> wrote:
>> I bought Arrogant Bastard Ale just so I could take a picture of myself
>> drinking Arrogant Bastard Ale.
>> It turned out to be pretty good though.
>> On 3/11/2021 11:26 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
>> There is a fairly long list of things that I consider undrinkable. I can
>> tell without taking it off the shelf that Bud Zero would be one of them.
>> This is more to my liking.
>> bp
>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>> On 3/9/2021 5:01 PM, Chuck McCown via AF wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
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