Our homeschooling co-op talked about arranging a prom.  Problem was the people who wanted one were the same people incapable of organizing one.  Good luck.

On 4/1/2021 11:33 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
We never did yearbooks. I lost the first year if my oldest boys pics just after I started the format of a hard drive a decade an a half ago. That realization sucks, being the interim generation of analog to digital. As I age, having almost zero of that little bastards pics for his first years sucks. (Pre 2005 housefire survivors probably want to beat my head in).
That's the whole reason I joined the shitshow called facebook.

But just got this little homos sophomore class ring notice. Being an optional high school dropout( was given the administrative option to drop out or await the next board meeting for expulsion) I see the opportunities missed. I dont 8intend to send the kids back to brick and mortar school again, too much politics when theres legitimate online options now. But dumb shit, class rings, homecomings, proms, selling oregano and empty blotters paper to rich kids, graduation ceremonies... at what point does that nonsense matter? This generation of testes winner swimmers has got to have something, being the interims, I call them generation I.
What's worth having? A ring, a book of pics, a prom night kid?

Wheres the line?

 Before me and jaime broke afmug again there were a lot of old people here, who know more than my semi old ass. Call Ken an mr type, get them back here and tell them theres some non wisp, non political shit going on, and a dad needs answers.

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