Anything higher than 3% solution can cause your skin to disappear too.  Fortunately it evaporates rather quickly in sunlight.  If you breathe it in concentrated amounts it can cause instant pneumonia.  Instant mutant lungs.  Be somewhere else besides above the fumes.  If you don't use a high enough concentrate, the racoon-shit may not disappear.  Glad I'm not there.  You might have thought mustard-gas used in ww1 was bad, this is close to the same stuff.

On 6/14/21 10:08 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
Ha, I was just reading the MSDS for Hydrogen Peroxide. Its a mutagen and will cause mutations. that explains why theres so many freaks out there now, we use this everythwhere and dentists have us gargle with it

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 11:40 AM dave via AF < <>> wrote:

    I think a Flame thrower will work for this..

    On 6/11/21 4:50 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
    We have a new site that had been abandoned for some time, there
    is a massive racoon latrine in the work area. Apparently theres a
    bad worm in them we can get, not to mention the fungal infection
    risk. We are going to be clearing it out, but need to sterilize
    as we go. And minimize airborne particulate even though we will
    have respirators. Is there a good fungicide, sterilant for this?
    I plan on pump spraying bleach on clean up day to murder as much
    nasty as we can and keep the dust down but didnt know if theres a
    better option. We arent talking a couple turds, this is mounds
    upon mounds of it mixed with bird poop. It will probably be
    hundreds of pounds of nasty

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