So heres a moral pickle.

An applicant with a pending criminal charge in general, would you hire?
An applicant with a pending felony charge?
an applicant with a possession of child porn charge?

This is one of those times where if you have ever deferred to the
constitution, youre skirting the edge of extreme hypocrisy. But reality
dictates maintaining a constitutionalist posture may not always be possible.

We have one applicant on parole, we are somewhat giving him consideration,
though it was an aggravated battery, so physical in nature, but his "story"
does soften the charge. He was able to transfer a parole out of the
conviction state, thats not something they tend to do for non compliant
parolees. Could go either way.

Now the pending charges guy happens to be my neighbor, my rental tenant, a
shirt tail cousin, and my daughter babysat for him (that risk has already
been assessed). Historically I tried to recruit him as staff, but my nephew
got him a job in sales, and he made pretty good dough, better than we pay.
As a result of no call no shows post arrest, hes no longer a team member at
my nephews workplace (that kept them clean on the legailty of firing over
an unconvicted charge)

My nephew, who was his supervisor and close friend discussed the charges.
What was relayed to me is it was something from when he was young and dumb
catching up to him. My nephew, whose opinion i trust has the full details
and said it really isnt a "serious" issue. My guess is something dumb like
a nude pic on his phone from when he was a teen of his current GF at the
time (illinois codified that as a possesion of child pornagraphy a few
years back)

His bond was only 10,000 10% so 1000 to walk, this county never sets bonds
that low on child porn charges, so it indicates a less severe issue. Our
county, however doesnt indiscriminately drop sex crime charges, so that
tells me its reasonably suspiscious and beyon a pic of his kid in the
bathtub type of thing.

He says hes fighting it, I assume all predators would say that.

There is a selfish motivation for concerning myself with his employment
status, we are his landlord, and we need paid.

If I wasnt such a firm believer in the value of our constitution, I may not
have any quandry here. Its a charge, and a bad one. But, we are supposed to
be innocent until proven guilty, and as late we have seen popular opinion
and guilt are not one in the same. So I hate to recommend something that
goes against my core principles. I also understand that pending charges of
any sort equate to lost time, but there are many reasons for a new hire to
miss time toward the beginning of the hire, thats a managable issue. Theres
the risk of the employee going off to prison, but again, theyre
unconvicted. Then there is the most real of the concerns, the charge is
public knowlege, not put in papers, but available by looking up the name in
the public court files (another oddity, this county always publicizes
arrests of this sort, so im not sure what not doing so is about)

But our customers would probably not be pleased to know we were sending
pedophiles into their homes. Granted, this isnt a pedophile charge and
theres no conviction, I think we all can agree that for the most part any
sex offender is looked on as a pedophile, I know that until otherwise
confirmed, thats how I look at them.

The minute I found out about the charge I reached out to a
counsellor friend on exactly how to approach my 13 year old daughter who
had babysat there. I wanted to ensure had there been anything nefarious
that took place my line of questioning wouldnt make her clam up. It turned
out to be ok after talking to her, but this is a kid Ive known since he was
little and my first response was to assume he was a pedophile. So customers
would react the same

It is a quandry, I dont forsee any way of hiring the guy even if I wanted
to recommend it, but it does make me question my convictions I had up until
this point considered to be very firm.
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