I'm 31 and see this as younger people aren't going to tolerate ideologies
or hate from hateful people any longer. If I hear or see racist people, I
now call them out. If they think they're in the right, I'm fine cutting all
ties with them and letting them know why. I won't condone the far right
rhetoric that only straight, white males matter. I hear far too many
racist, homophobic, xenophobic comments from Trump supporters who are
family, friends, or just acquaintances in my local, rural area of Minnesota.

It used to be that Republicans before Trump were more respectful and less
hateful, at least on the surface. I feel that changed after he was elected
and he gave his followers "permission" to spew the hate that they bottled
up inside before because it was viewed as wrong to be vocally racist,
homophobic, etc. Trump bullied anyone and everyone who didn't bow at his
feet, so his followers do the same thing. He says jump, they say "How
High??" People worship him and make their entire personality about Trump.
Bumper stickers, hats, flags, you name it. I voted for Obama, Hillary, and
Biden and I have one Obama t-shirt that I wore 3 times before he was
elected, then I never wore it again. I don't worship who I vote for. Trump
continues to host rallies and look at the sheep who show up for it. They
call the left sheep but the trump supporters continue to follow him around
and believe his lies that he won the election just like sheep would do.
He's the herder, they're the sheep.

This isn't to say some people on the left aren't too "Woke" because I can
see the political correctness go a little far sometimes. But overall, I see
a near zero tolerance from many younger people to the hate that Trump and
some of his supporters spew on a daily basis. I watch and read Fox News
every few days to see what conspiracy theories they're spewing and it's
disgraceful what they show on Fox. Much of what they say are downright lies
and can easily be proven false with an easy google search. Tucker Carlson
has talked about the "Great Replacement Theory" on over 400 episodes and a
white, 18-year old male heard him loud and clear then shot and killed 10
black people because he feared that whites are becoming the minority. The
far right is literally encouraging their supporters to become violent and
ready to fight over anything.

I see far right politicians banning books, attacking women's rights,
attacking LGBT people, attacking teachers/schools, speaking at events and
supporting white supremacists, etc. The right is quickly becoming a hateful
party instead of one with conservative values and what I used to view as
somewhat respectable politicians. Now, the crazy ones are repeating what
Trump does and they're building their base of voters to replace more
traditional Republicans that I could agree with probably 30-50% of the
time. The new ones like Cawthorne, Marjorie, Boebert, etc have no objective
except to cause chaos and preach hate to anyone who will listen. It's an
embarrassment to the Republican party and I will not vote for people who
actively try to take away rights from American citizens who are not white,
straight, or male.

I grew up in rural MN around many republicans but I have strong moral
values that don't allow me to vote for a party that hates marginalized
people and attacks basic human rights. The party of pro-life is really just
pro-birth. Once the baby is born, the right wants nothing to do with the
mother or child. No welfare, no housing, food, support, NOTHING!!! The
pro-life party should have been all for masking during Covid and taking the
vaccine because it would have saved lives. Instead, they fought against it
and more Americans died as a result. The right is not a "pro-life" party at
all based on their actions.

Back to your comments about family and politics... I am moderate left when
you average out my fiscally conservative beliefs and my socially
progressive views when it comes to human rights. I enjoy the wealth I've
accumulated from my WISP and huge growth in my stock portfolio and of
course prefer lower taxes as a result. But I will never vote for a party
that attacks marginalized people or that spews hate just so I can keep more
of the money I've earned. To me, Human Rights > Money

When I hear someone I care about supporting far right beliefs and
politicians, it deeply hurts me and what I thought about this person. I
have strong morals so I desire to maintain friendships and relationships
with similar people. I can be friends with and have a good time with a
Republican as long as they aren't racist, homophobic, xenophobic, hateful
to marginalized people, anti-science, etc. I think zero tolerance towards
hateful beliefs and behavior is going to become more common because some of
us are tired of hearing how much some republicans hate everyone who is
different than them. And the last 2 years, there's been tons of action from
crazy politicians like DeSantis attacking Doctors, schools, LGBT people
that are firing up the left to fight against injustices. While the right
was fighting because they didn't like a cloth mask or attempting a coup
because they don't like the election results, the left are fighting for
more noble causes that deserve our energy like: fighting racism, protecting
women's rights, protecting LGBT people, protecting the environment,
healthcare, free speech, our Democracy.

In my mind as a 31 year old raised in a republican area but taught to find
the truth, think critically, have strong morals, there's no way the
Republican party has my vote unless they become more moderate very quickly.
They're the fear mongering party that lies every day and gets away with it.
Their claims can be proven wrong and I like facts, not opinions. This does
NOT mean I agree with every Democrat policy. I don't think any student debt
should be forgiven, I don't think the govt should have spent as much as
they did on COVID money under Trump or Biden. I agree with many things but
certainly not all. I actively reach out to Democrat politicians to let them
know when I think they need to chill out and move more to the middle. I
wish Republican voters would do the same for people they vote for.

I'm sorry if your kids are treating you differently than you treated your
elders. I don't know what topics of conversation come up that make them
feel negative towards you at times but maybe think through if your beliefs
or words attack/affect marginalized people in a bad way. It's easy to be a
good person just by treating everyone equally. I do that so I assume
everyone is good until they prove otherwise. There's good and bad people of
all racers, genders, sexes, etc so why would I hate anyone different than
me by default like republicans seem to do too often.

On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 8:10 PM James Howard <ja...@litewire.net> wrote:

> Public school systems…….
> *From:* AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of *Chuck McCown via AF
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 18, 2022 5:11 PM
> *To:* af@af.afmug.com
> *Cc:* Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com>
> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT mildly political
> Woke, broke, in therapy and crazy unhappy.
> That is how I would describe some of my kids.
> The alt right unwoke ones seem to have money and happiness.
> Never expected I would not be able to speak my mind at family dinners just
> to be able to still see some of my kids.
> Feel like I was convicted in absentia, thrown in the hole for a lifetime
> sentence, but taken out of solitary confinement now and then at their whims
> just so they could claim to have compassion on me for a half hour walk in
> the woods.  Maybe longer if I pay for dinner.
> Odd times....
> I loved my parents and grandparents.
> Never felt they had to earn it.
> Never would have thought of condemning them for the things they said.
> Funny, I have a sister that lives 1000 miles from me.  Our families were
> separate all while the kids were growing.
> But some of hers have done the same things to her.  Using the exact same
> vernacular.
> Must have something to do with energy drinks I think.
> --
> AF mailing list
> AF@af.afmug.com
> http://af.afmug.com/mailman/listinfo/af_af.afmug.com

Darin Steffl
Minnesota WiFi
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