On this topic:

I'll be at their roadshow in Albany tomorrow. If anybody has ePMP questions that they need answered, I'll put them on my list and button hole somebody from Cambium into answering them.

Is that 2.4 or 5GHz? A couple weeks ago someone asked why the 2.4 AP sector is slant and the integrated SMs are H/V. Cambium responded with an explanation, something about the SM detecting phases and doing its thing.

Definitely looks like a Laird/Pac feed design. That has to be a pain to weather seal.

When they get these things to sync with Canopy and get the PTP latency down, then I'll buy some.

On 9/17/2014 9:22 AM, Greg Osborn via Af wrote:
   We received our first shipment of ePMP Force 100's yesterday.  Pretty
beefy at 10 lbs. Quite a curious angle on the feed horn N-type connections.
It would lead you to believe the antenna system is dual slant. All the
specs say H&V.

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