One of our many locations where we're using a Packetflux sync pipe/injector seems to be losing satellite lock once every few days. Typically it loses it for 2 to 4 seconds, but I've seen at least once where it went 13 seconds.

I've not been able to get useful information from the SiteMonitor because the satellites tracked/Visible OIDs are returning a string with "Sats in View" and "Num Sats Used" instead of the actual values. (is that a bug or what? This is on F/W "Jul 29 2012").

However, I'm getting messages like this in the AP logs:

   09/21/2014 : 07:49:00 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   09/21/2014 : 07:49:04 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.
   09/23/2014 : 18:49:37 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   09/23/2014 : 18:49:41 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.
   09/23/2014 : 18:49:55 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   09/23/2014 : 18:49:59 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.
   09/24/2014 : 18:47:15 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   09/24/2014 : 18:47:28 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.
   09/27/2014 : 07:24:18 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   09/27/2014 : 07:24:20 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.

Not sure what I might do here. This is with all the equipment up against a concrete wall, so there is only a 180 degree view of the sky. Maybe a little bit less than that because the wall is not flat, maybe about 170 degree view of the sky.

The APs are PMP450, and rarely get a GPS lock on the internal GPS. Maybe I can try moving the sync pipe away from the wall or something.


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