Monitoring Sync Events works. Had to wait 5 days for it to happen, but the counter increment corresponds to a loss of sync we had yesterday.

I found this in the AP event log (event of interest in blue):

   09/27/2014 : 07:24:19 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   09/27/2014 : 07:24:23 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.
   10/02/2014 : 12:21:45 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync pulse from
   Power Port! No other sync source available.
   10/02/2014 : 12:21:51 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync pulse from
   Power Port.

We also monitor visible/tracked satellites on that SiteMonitor. Interestingly, the satellites tracked at about that time was 4 (see marked up graph below). I suppose it's possible that the tracked satellites went to zero one minute (or less) after the SNMP poll, but it seems rather weird.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the SiteMonitor only needed one satellite to maintain timing after it acquired a 3D fix?


On 9/29/2014 10:12 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) via Af wrote:

Yes that value will increment when the injector detects a loss of sync and also when it's restored.

These are definitely good values to monitor, and I know at least one customer which does as you suggest and monitors for a non zero value and resets the value to zero to clear the error.

On Sep 29, 2014 7:23 PM, "Bill Prince via Af" < <>> wrote:

    Yeah.  Not sure why I thought the index name was where I would get
    the value.  The OID that shows in the UI for the Satellites
    Visible is:


    The OID for the actual value is


    So I was able to fix that part.  What I'm wondering is how to know
    that We've had a loss in sync.  There is something under Binary
    I/O called "1PPS Active".

    Seeing as we only poll once every 5 minutes, catching that going
    to zero seems slim to none.  However, I am intrigued by the
    "Events" value.  Does that increment every time the Syncpipe loses
    sync?  In which case, I can zero it out, and set a threshold for
    whenever it is non-zero (see below).

    I may try that.


    On 9/29/2014 1:28 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) via Af wrote:
    A little out of order:

    On the OID's .. you may have the wrong OID.  There is an oid for
    the title strings, and an oid for the value.  You may want to
    check the oid you are using. In addition, on the strings tab,
    there *are* strings which list the specific statellite and signal
    strength of all of the sats it is receiving a signal from.

    One more troubleshooting item is the 'pulse received' counter on
    the analog tab.  It should increment once and exactly once per
    second.  I've had good luck comparing this value over a specific
    time. I.E. at exactly 10 minutes, there should be exactly 600
    more pulses.

    As far as fixing it:  I'd move the syncpipe, then try a different
    one.   If a second does the same thing, then we need to look at
    what else might be causing it.

    If you want to send in screenshots to
    <> of the boolean/analog/string tabs
    from the sitemonitor, I might be able to see something.


    On Sep 29, 2014 1:40 PM, "Bill Prince via Af" <
    <>> wrote:

        One of our many locations where we're using a Packetflux sync
        pipe/injector seems to be losing satellite lock once every
        few days.  Typically it loses it for 2 to 4 seconds, but I've
        seen at least once where it went 13 seconds.

        I've not been able to get useful information from the
        SiteMonitor because the satellites tracked/Visible OIDs are
        returning a string with "Sats in View" and "Num Sats Used"
        instead of the actual values. (is that a bug or what? This is
        on F/W "Jul 29 2012").

        However, I'm getting messages like this in the AP logs:

            09/21/2014 : 07:49:00 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync
            pulse from Power Port! No other sync source available.
            09/21/2014 : 07:49:04 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync
            pulse from Power Port.
            09/23/2014 : 18:49:37 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync
            pulse from Power Port! No other sync source available.
            09/23/2014 : 18:49:41 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync
            pulse from Power Port.
            09/23/2014 : 18:49:55 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync
            pulse from Power Port! No other sync source available.
            09/23/2014 : 18:49:59 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync
            pulse from Power Port.
            09/24/2014 : 18:47:15 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync
            pulse from Power Port! No other sync source available.
            09/24/2014 : 18:47:28 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync
            pulse from Power Port.
            09/27/2014 : 07:24:18 PDT : : Bridge Core : Loss of sync
            pulse from Power Port! No other sync source available.
            09/27/2014 : 07:24:20 PDT : : Bridge Core : Acquired sync
            pulse from Power Port.

        Not sure what I might do here.  This is with all the
        equipment up against a concrete wall, so there is only a 180
        degree view of the sky.  Maybe a little bit less than that
        because the wall is not flat, maybe about 170 degree view of
        the sky.

        The APs are PMP450, and rarely get a GPS lock on the internal
        GPS.  Maybe I can try moving the sync pipe away from the wall
        or something.

-- bp

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