 This happens with different versions of cacti thats y I asked.
Typically backwards but not forward compatibility.
May have to look at versions array to see what versions are compatible with yours.
Also, OS updates or patches could break it.
I have two instances of cacti running usually an older version and a newer version to sort or troubleshoot these weird issues with cacti.
Have a look into the forums and it should shed some lite on the issue.

On 10/01/2014 11:42 AM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

Got an XML parsing error on that template (not a hash error). Did you include subordinate templates in the export? It's possible yours is referencing something I don't have in my installation (like a special CDEF or something).

On 9/30/2014 11:05 AM, Eric Muehleisen via Af wrote:
I took a PTP500 and changed it slightly.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Bill Prince via Af < <>> wrote:

    Once again, I am on a quest for a Cacti template.  This time for
    the PTP650.  Any one constructed one?

    I'll wait a couple of days, then probably construct one of my own.


-- bp

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