All over the board depending on your locality unfortunately. Some cities
own the poles, some power companies own the poles, and other utilities own
the poles. Find the poles you want to go on, get their ID numbers off each
pole, and then contact each pole owner to get a contract. In our locality,
the power company owns 99% of the poles and they are pretty easy to work
with. Other states you'll have pole attach agreements with 4 companies,
each with different rules, different engineering specs, and different
prices. "Make ready" fees are what you'll get hit with, meaning the pole
owner will charge you if they have to improve the poles to take the
load/make room for your cable.

Some states will require you to be a CLEC, others won't. Some cities or
counties will require a franchise agreement, others won't.

Robbie Wright
Siuslaw Broadband <>

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 1:50 PM, TJ Trout via Af <> wrote:

> How do you go about placing aerial fiber on power poles and what is the
> normal fee structure? What license do you need or permits to be able to
> place aerial cable? Some type of franchise right? Any estimates on aerial
> fiber cost for labor,fees, materials etc?

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