ndpi is a fork of the opendpi project that was started by ipoque

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/28/2014 07:30 PM, timothy steele via Af wrote:
Powercode/procera prob best option
NETEQ is a little more simple but dose a lot less

Pfsense with Ntop would be a free option but 99% more manual labor involved

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On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 11:17 PM, Stu Thom via Af < <>> wrote:

    We are a 1500 customer WISP that has been using Sandvine for the past
    year for DPI and traffic prioritization. This has allowed us to
    to a different business model selling services instead of Mbps. These
    are our residential tiers:

    This is our fairshare policy:

    While is a bit of a vague post, any thoughts? Is anyone else running
    DPI boxes? I have seen the name Procera come up on the list and we
    speak with them a bit when looking around at this project.

    Migrating customers from Mbps to our new tiers has been a long road,
    but we have had very positive results internally and from our
    customers. A very small handful of cancellations. 2-3 maybe?

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