Been away from email for a few days.  Just getting back to responding now.

One could always connect the GPS Sync AP radio to the Force dish and have a GPS 
Sync’ed PTP radio.
That is supported.  We do not at this time plan to offer a bundled solution 
that provides that.
Latency is higher when you use GPS Sync as opposed to the Flexible Mode of 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Matt via Af
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ePMP Force 110PTP

Will there be an option to use the GPS sync with the PTP110?  If so what kind 
of latency will we get?

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 2:56 PM, John Butler via Af 
<<>> wrote:
Hi George:  I want to clear up your questions about the Force product.

The Force 110 (C058900C042A (FCC)) is as the spec sheet describes - a radio 
module and the dish.  You can buy the radio and the dish separately,  but when 
you buy them bundle as the Force,  the price is better.  We do not offer a 
radome for it at this time.

The Force 110 PTP is the same dish,  but bundled with the radio that we also 
use for the GPS Sync AP.  The GPS is turned off.  The benefit of this radio 
over the Force 110 is the 802.3af compliant gigabit Ethernet port.


John Butler

From: Af [<>] On Behalf 
Of George Skorup (Cyber Broadcasting) via Af
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:11 PM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ePMP Force 110PTP

So the 110 PTP uses the GPS radio, or is it a different radio with sync over 
power only and no on-board GPS? I thought I remember reading that, but I could 
be totally wrong.

A distro rep just told us today that the Force 110 is due in Thrusday or 
Friday. I have a couple links I want to do with these instead of UBNT. If the 
110 won't be available for 3-4 weeks, that's going to suck. And all the 
complaints about assembly of the Force 100, so I don't want to go there.

And the distro's seem to be confused about the parts. The Force 110 spec sheet 
says: C058900C042A (FCC) – consists of a ePMP Radio Module 
[C058900A122A/C058900P122A] and ePMP Dish Antenna [C050900D007B].. and the rep 
said that's only the dish, the radio is extra. I find that hard to believe. And 
now I'm confused too.

Oh, and do these things come with a radome? That would be nice, but I'm 
guessing no.

On 10/21/2014 6:00 PM, Mike Hammett via Af wrote:
Ah, I didn't realize there was a 110 and a 110 PTP.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

From: "John Butler via Af" <><>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:57:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ePMP Force 110PTP
Hi Alan:  The Force 110 (which is the new 25 dBi dish) and the Connectorized 
Unsync Radio (fast Ethernet port) is due to ship from our channel partners in 
early November.
The Force 110 PTP (which is the new 25 dBi dish) and the Connectorized Radio 
with the Gigabit ethernet port is due to ship from our channel partners in 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Alan West via Af
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ePMP Force 110PTP

Guess not. I am so ready for a replacement for these Force 100 units.

On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 12:11 PM, George Skorup (Cyber Broadcasting) via 
Af <<>> wrote:

Are these things shipping yet?

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