Yeah, I spoke with someone that works in another aspect of the wireless industry and he said the same thing.

George Skorup (Cyber Broadcasting) via Af wrote:
We are co-located with 450 SCADA on a couple sites without problems. I'm thinking they'd need to be putting out a LOT of power for harmonics to come into play. Unless there's maybe like a mismatched antenna or something.

Also, it just so happens that 915x4 = 3660. I have several 900APs right next to 3650 APs and do not see any problem there. I have even set up a 900AP at full power and a 3GHz 450AP right next to each other on the bench and the SA on the 450 sees nothing.

On 11/13/2014 1:39 PM, Jay Weekley via Af wrote:
We are having problems with a Canopy 900 deployment on a water tank and it's had us stumped for a while. There is another Canopy 900 operator about a half mile away that doesn't seem to have the same problems and we've even looked at his ap and verified that fact. The only gear the water department says they have is for monitoring and operates on 451 and 456 MHz. I've /think /heard of interference caused by radios that operate in other frequencies especially if they are in some divisor or multiple of another radio. For example, since 456 MHz is roughly half of 900 is there a scenario where it could cause us problems?

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