I hate the licenses, we even stopped ordering 4Mb SMs because we're constantly upgrading them. I would be fine with a "standard" SM being capped at 20Mbps. We've used very few unlimited SMs so far. Make the standard SM like $239 (where the 10Mb is now) and unlimited $100 more. What about limiting the max burst rate on the standard SM (20) to say 40Mbps aggregate? And then unlimited gets no MBR cap like we have now.. just an idea.

On 11/21/2014 2:31 PM, Sean Heskett via Af wrote:
thanks for the response scott. i'll forward you email to my business partner who does all the purchasing.

as for the keys just make all the SMs $5 more and make them all unlimited. I'd think that'd be a revenue neutral decision for y'all but i'm not your bean counter. the kets just plain suck!



On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Scott Imhoff via Af <af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>> wrote:


    Thanks for the constructive feedback.  We are working on a couple
    of ideas that align to your comments that you will hear more about
    in 2015.  Fundamentally I agree that keys should be portable but
    not an easy nut to crack; however, we are working with that in mind.

    My email address is scott.imh...@cambiumnetworks.com
    <mailto:scott.imh...@cambiumnetworks.com> and if you don’t mind I
    would like to hear more specifics on your experience with variable
    pricing on the SMs ranging $20-$40 with each transaction – that
    statement surprised me a bit.


    *From:*Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com
    <mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com>] *On Behalf Of *Sean Heskett via Af
    *Sent:* Friday, November 21, 2014 12:42 PM
    *To:* af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
    *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Cambium Outlet - Who doesn't like a bargain?

    dear cambium,

    please just offer us one low price year round and stop with the
    speed keys for SMs.

    I live in NW CO where we can install APs and backhauls from May to
    Oct.  The rest of the year it's too snowy, icy and cold out to
    even try to get to our towers, all of which are above 7,000 feet
    MSL and several are above 10,000 MSL.  a special price on APs or
    backhauls from Oct to May does me no good and I will simply ignore
    your advertising attempts.

    We install SMs year round.  every time we go to purchase SMs (and
    we buy a lot) the price changes $20-40 per SM.  Please make this
    stop...I'd like to know my costs are stable and not blowing in the
    wind so that i can get busy installing more clients and therefore
    buying more SMs from you.

    Also with regards to the license keys for the SMs, this is a huge
    extra cost burden and the key is stuck to the device for eternity
    so i there for have to constantly track which SM has which key and
    what plan the client is subscribed to.  When they cancel i have to
    set aside as special inventory all the keyed SMs.  So now we have
    to stock 900, 2.4 and 5.7 FSK, 5.4 430, and 5Ghz 450 20Mbps and
    unlimited...That's 6 different SMs to track and stock and a lot of
    times the unlimited 450s that come back into inventory get mixed
    up and redeployed to a client that only needs a 20Mbps key :-/
     also we have to stock and track the keys in the licensing portal
    so that we don't run out.


    2 cents


    On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Scott Imhoff via Af
    <af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>> wrote:


    You may or may not have noticed but Cambium is trying a new
    concept on our web site called “Cambium Outlet” to make available
    at substantial discount material that we have in excess. The page
    can be viewed at:


    The list will be updated on a periodic basis, approximately every
    two to three months, based on changes in part number inventory.

    We welcome any suggestions to improve the page and process.

    Happy hunting!


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