
On Nov 21, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Sean Heskett via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:

> dear cambium,
> please just offer us one low price year round and stop with the speed keys 
> for SMs.
> I live in NW CO where we can install APs and backhauls from May to Oct.  The 
> rest of the year it's too snowy, icy and cold out to even try to get to our 
> towers, all of which are above 7,000 feet MSL and several are above 10,000 
> MSL.  a special price on APs or backhauls from Oct to May does me no good and 
> I will simply ignore your advertising attempts.
> We install SMs year round.  every time we go to purchase SMs (and we buy a 
> lot) the price changes $20-40 per SM.  Please make this stop...I'd like to 
> know my costs are stable and not blowing in the wind so that i can get busy 
> installing more clients and therefore buying more SMs from you.
> Also with regards to the license keys for the SMs, this is a huge extra cost 
> burden and the key is stuck to the device for eternity so i there for have to 
> constantly track which SM has which key and what plan the client is 
> subscribed to.  When they cancel i have to set aside as special inventory all 
> the keyed SMs.  So now we have to stock 900, 2.4 and 5.7 FSK, 5.4 430, and 
> 5Ghz 450 20Mbps and unlimited...That's 6 different SMs to track and stock and 
> a lot of times the unlimited 450s that come back into inventory get mixed up 
> and redeployed to a client that only needs a 20Mbps key :-/  also we have to 
> stock and track the keys in the licensing portal so that we don't run out.
> 2 cents
> -Sean
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Scott Imhoff via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:
> All,
> You may or may not have noticed but Cambium is trying a new concept on our 
> web site called “Cambium Outlet” to make available at substantial discount 
> material that we have in excess.  The page can be viewed at:
> http://www.cambiumnetworks.com/cambium-outlet
> The list will be updated on a periodic basis, approximately every two to 
> three months, based on changes in part number inventory.
> We welcome any suggestions to improve the page and process.
> Happy hunting!
> Scott

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