I just put together my first Force 110... definitely a huge improvement over 
the 100, it's still not quite as simple as throwing together a Nano/PowerBeam, 
but not bad at all, I think it's actually easier to put together than a 
NanoBridge... and the fact that I didn't look at the instructions until I was 
done is a good sign. I'm not sure how much I like the crazy wire thing on the 
front, but I can live with that, and otherwise, it seems like a pretty good 

The fact that they used carriage bolts for the pole mount instead of a u-bolt 
makes me very happy... I suspect we're going to be putting a lot of these 
things up on towers for PtP links.

One question... are these dual slant or Horizontal/Vertical polarity? I know it 
doesn't really matter much for ePMP, but since they are connectorized, it's 
likely they'll get used with other radios at some point.

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