We have a Mikrotik CCR that keeps crashing after sustaining ~500+ Mb/s for 
extended periods of time. No logs, just dumps iBGP connection and starts 
dropping all PPPoE connections (~1800 total), then locks up altogether. Was 
wondering if anyone else has seen this issue. I believe the firmware is 6.22 
but my cohort might be able to chime in on the exact release firmware we were 
using. We have tried older firmware with similar symptoms so I'm leaning 
towards an issue with the device itself.

We're back on our Imagestreams for the time being until we can sort this out, 
but thought it best to ask here with so many users on here that run MT's.

Planning on posting to MT forum as well but covering all bases. :) Any 
information is helpful right now.


Timothy McNabb
Network Administrator
Velociter Wireless, Inc
(209)838-1221 x107

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