I stayed once at the official hotel and once at a different one. You won't miss anything official by staying in a different hotel. At the official one you'll have more opportunity for mingling outside the event. There was some shop talk at the hotel bar and it was interesting. At the very least, the strangers at the bar will all have something in common with you, so it's less awkward than strangers at most other bars :)

Morning everyone,

I just subscribed to the group after reading through the archives and finding it informative. I learned about the group because we are planning to attend the animal farm this year in salt lake city. Basic background on myself. I live In the UP of Michigan on the far western edge. Wife and two kids and my wife and I recently bought out my father�s half of our wisp. The network is almost completely 900mhz moto and now that we are full owners I have the opportunity to move it more quickly to more modern technology. Right now that appears for us to be PMP450 in 3.65 and possibly some ePMP1000 for line of site customers. This is my main reason for attending animal farm is to learn from others about these platforms and what they have experienced. We cover a large very rural area, lots of trees lots of longer links in the 7 mile range and lots of snow this time of year.

I do have a question on salt lake city for the group. We are planning to fly in and trying to avoid renting a car. I see they have a train system that runs from the airport to the fairgrounds and into downtown. Right now we are looking at skipping staying at the Ramada and instead staying more in the downtown so we have walking access to food and so on. Right now we are looking at the Hyatt but would really consider anything else as well. So what I am wondering is are we going to miss out on things by not staying at the Ramada and how easy is the train system for getting in and out of downtown and out to the animal farm event?

I look forward to learning a lot and hopefully at times being able to contribute to the group. I wish I was aware of it sooner.

Best Regards,

Brandon Yuchasz

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