We weren't capping out the 430AP, no. It was replaced because the tower was replaced and in order to get a smooth transition and keep an eye towards the future we put a 450AP on the new tower and just swapped the SM's into Interoperability mode and moved them to the new color code. We figured we would see at least equal if not better performance, which it sounds like should be the case. I guess I'll proceed with the assumption that performance across the AP isn't the issue, thanks!

-- Samuel Kirsch, Network Support
Plexicomm - Internet Solutions | www.plexicomm.net
Office: 1.866.759.4678 x109 | Fax: 1.866.852.4688
Emergency Support: 1.866.759.9713 | sam...@plexicomm.net

------ Original Message ------
From: "Mark Radabaugh" <m...@amplex.net>
To: af@afmug.com
Sent: 2/18/2015 4:15:22 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Expected throughput on 450APs handling a fair amount of 430SMs on Interop mode?
We have done this multiple times. I would expect to see performance basically double for any customer you switch from a 430SM to a 450SM. Overall throughput of the AP should increase pretty proportionally as you replace 430 SM's with 450's. If you were capping out the 430 (which seems odd if you were only pushing 24Mb), and you didn't swap any of those customers to 450 SM it would still be doing the same as the 430.

We are seeing peaks of ~41Mbps on a 450 AP with 83 customers with a split of 63 430 SM's and 20 450 SM's. Yeah, it's probably time for another AP, but I see plenty of customers holding 4 and 6Mb steady.


On Feb 18, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Sam Kirsch <sam...@plexicomm.net> wrote:

I have a 450 that was very recently put up in place of a 430AP. 16/22 Customers are 430s in Interop mode, the rest are 450s.

What can I expect as maximum throughput? I was sort of expecting greater or equal performance to a 430, but I've had a lot of odd feeback from customers since we switched this over from a 430 AP to a 450AP with mostly 430SMs.

I only have one Microtik at a customer location that I can do a bandwidth tests too but it's a rate limited SM, so its a little hard to gauge based on that alone. Most of the time it seems like there should be plenty of bandwidth available, but just getting too much odd feedback to not check out all the possibilities.

The bandwidth usage charge also tracks a falling utilization over the past few weeks. I've gone from seeing peaks at 22-24mpbs to peaks at 12-15mbps. Nothing should have changed out there as far as usage, I'd still be expecting to see something in the neighborhood of 22-24 on average. If anything it should be pushing more as the schools are all off for a week.

Does anyone have any sort of clear info on what we should be expecting here?

-- Samuel Kirsch, Network Support
Plexicomm - Internet Solutions | www.plexicomm.net
Office: 1.866.759.4678 x109 | Fax: 1.866.852.4688
Emergency Support: 1.866.759.9713 | sam...@plexicomm.net

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