If it’s one direction only, probably electronics.  If both directions, probably 
antenna or path.  You say you’ve verified xmt power is actually at 14 dB?  Many 
radios vary xmt power with modulation and/or ATPC.  Have they done a FW update 
since the original install when it measured in mid 40’s?

If you graph the signal does it vary with weather or time of day?

From: Jaime Solorza 
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2015 11:49 PM
To: Animal Farm 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 18ghz question

All outdoor.   On water tank rails. On masts.   I am not sure if they were 
installed on catwalks before and now on top.  I am going to ask about that.  
Both antennas are about 168 ft AGL...you got me thinking. ..

Jaime Solorza

On Mar 8, 2015 10:33 PM, "Bill Prince" <part15...@gmail.com> wrote:

  18 is not that different from 11 or 23 for that matter.  It should behave 
similarly, except for the beamwidth with a given antenna size and the freespace 

  Are these split mount or all-outdoor?  Is it the same at both ends? Is the 
path clear?  Any fresnel issues?


  On 3/8/2015 9:22 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:

    Targeted RSL is -42 at 4.08 miles
    Tx power at 14db.  Should be 14.5dB ....three different companies have 
aligned these dishes before I was asked to try and get the link closer to 
targeted figure.  On this one -53.1 is best I got. A bit better than others but 
not where they want.  I took both antennas completed off paths and started 
over.   Got it to above level.  Made sure it was not sidelobe. These radios are 
about 6 years old Dragonwave...the client says they were in mid 40s according 
to records.   What can cause such a difference if alignment is not an issue?
    Jaime Solorza

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