Also, depending on your monitoring system, you should be able to track CPE
and AP bandwidth as is.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

>   The availability of inexpensive Mikrotik routers made this much less of
> an issue than it used to be.  Even at micropops that I bridge, I put a
> small Mikrotik like a 450G or a 2011 there as a managed switch.  That way
> it can be converted to routed, often without a truck roll.
> One question is how you assign IP addresses to customers.  Static with NAT
> in CPE?  DHCP?  PPPoE?  Do you NAT multiple customers to one public IP?
> This may determine which approach is easiest to migrate to.  Router at each
> tower with block of public IPs?  VLANs to central site with big central
> router?
>  *From:* That One Guy <>
> *Sent:* Monday, March 09, 2015 10:23 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Looking for help converting from a bridged
> networktorouted.
>  not to hijack you, but there are some who maintain a fully bridged
> network and use VLAN instead of routing, this I am curious about, it may be
> a cost effective solution for you as well.
> I started our migration 4ish years ago and had the budget cut out from
> under me with only half the routers deployed, let me tell you, a 50/50
> network sucks a great deal to manage. whatever you do, make sure you have
> all your routers on your desk before you begin
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Chuck McCown <> wrote:
>>   Everyone seems to have lived through this evolution at some point.
>> A bridged WISP is asking for trouble.
>> How many APs and how many sites?  Are the switches at the sites capable
>> of supporting VLANs?  That is where I would start.  Either that or
>> replacing the switches with routers.  Personally, one router with VLANS to
>> each AP via managed switches would be my preference.
>>  *From:* Brandon Yuchasz <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, March 09, 2015 9:10 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] Looking for help converting from a bridged network
>> torouted.
>> I am looking for help converting our network from bridged to routed. This
>> is something I don’t have a lot of background in but I also don’t want to
>> end the process having a system I can’t fix so I will need someone that is
>> willing to both do the work and teach me at the same time. Depending on how
>> the process works in regards to time I am hoping to spend an hour a week
>> working over the phone and through a remote desktop app.
>> My main reasons for working on this now are I need to see bandwidth use
>> per SM, per AP, and have better ways of tracking both long term. We are
>> just to blind right now and starting to really grow again I need to get it
>> under control now before we get to large.
>> I am open to suggestions on routers but already had purchased microtik
>> and butches scripts which after trying and failing to get it to work never
>> implemented.
>> Contact me off list if you can help.
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon Yuchasz
> --
>   If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your
> team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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