Detail, visually watching bandwidth usage in Winbox.

Long term, MT usage graphs. 5 minute average doesn't show the peaks, but when 
the entire tower doesn't use an average of 4Mbps...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: D. Ryan Spott 
  Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 6:36 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Speed questions

  How are you monitoring your customers connections? 


  On 3/26/15 3:43 PM, Glen Waldrop wrote:

    I've got a handful of customers that are requesting higher speeds. We 
currently offer 4Mbps to the customer. Only a few even come close to using 
that. I've got three towers that don't even hit 4Mbps on a 5 minute average, 
much less individual customers.
    I've got three customers�in particular that hardly ever use the Internet 
and constantly harrang me for higher speeds.

    I'm upgrading everything anyway, so it is just a matter of time, but how do 
you guys handle that?

    I could turn up their speed and sell them 10Mbps fairly easily, but they're 
not even hitting my 4Mbps limit 99% of the time. I'm seeing this biting me in 
the ass either way I go.

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