
I'll second that. The first time we used the optic dish, we got the dishes a couple weeks before we got the radios. So we installed & aligned the dishes, then came back a week later and installed the radios. Much to our surprise, the links came up spot-on the path prediction. In fact, I think we had a couple db margin.

Almost as good is the Accu-aim from WBmfg. We've used the Accu-aim on dishes as small as a nanobridge/nanobeam, and as large as a 4' radiowaves. Most of the time, the links are spot-on when turned on. You just have to watch out for rivets and other protuberances that make the mount not quite square.


On 3/29/2015 7:32 AM, David Milholen wrote:
I have throw a plug to chuck for these dishes.
It saved us a ton of time yesterday getting a 9 mile link ptp450 up running in minutes vs hours. We used 2 2ft optic dishes at each end and used the scope to lock the cross hair on the target. I used the newest link planner and the link said we should see -58db +-6db and we got -52 on both ends
with 8x/8x mod and 100% link quality on 5800Mhz

I love these dishes and so do my techs.

Thanks for the 80Mbs link to our newest tower.


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