...but you understand why of course. If he assumes the product will pass testing and tells you a date based on that, then it could fail testing and people would be calling him a liar. He could also assume it will fail 5 more times and require 5 cycles of redesign taking over 18 months and give you a date based on that....then people will complain about how long it takes.

Sounds like he doesn't have a direct answer because there isn't one and any answer he gives will be wrong. In which case, the non-answer is the best answer.

>Not trying to hide anything, it's pretty clear to everyone this has taken longer than we expected.

>We hit a few unrelated compliance challenges

That's the thing. It's always some obscure non answer answer. Like a politician.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Apr 2, 2015 10:20 AM, "Matt Hardy" <m...@ubnt.com <mailto:m...@ubnt.com>> wrote:

    Hi Rory,
    We're not trying to hide anything, it's pretty clear to everyone
    this has taken longer than we expected.
    We hit a few unrelated compliance challenges after launching
    NanoBeam and all of them collectively delayed the DFS approvals.

    The reason I said soon is we're waiting for an ETA on approvals
    now (they're at the lab now). Once we have a better estimate;
    we'll share with you.
    We're very careful about giving dates to you guys ;)

    At this time it doesn't look like there are any technical reasons
    the NanoBeams won't be approved for the other UNII bands... I know
    it's been frustrating for many of you -- it definitely has been
    for us as well. But it looks like we're almost there...

    We'll keep everyone updated (unless Gino sees it first).


    On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:21 PM, Rory Conaway
    <r...@triadwireless.net <mailto:r...@triadwireless.net>> wrote:

        Matt, the usual reason for not releasing information is that
        you don’t want your competitors to know what you are doing.  I
        get that.  At this point though, Mimosa is sharing it’s
        release schedules almost a year in advance, and both they and
        Cambium have had DFS on their WiFi chipsets since release.  We
        have all bought a bunch of the equipment that still doesn’t
        have DFS, some of it for almost a year and it’s screwed up my
        ordering and deployment  plans. Being secretive has no value
        whatsoever.  Not telling us what you know today is annoying
since I can’t make deployment decisions based on “soon”. It’s been “soon” for almost a year. How about some actual
        facts as you know them.  If there are delays, that’s fine but
just be honest about the process, that’s all we can expect. If you need more time, just tell us and we can plan
        accordingly.  Did the equipment pass specifications that you
        believe are necessary for DFS certification in the lab and if
        so, how much longer does it take to complete the process?  If
it didn’t, just let us know and we will accept it and adjust. I’m really not interested in rumors right now on this
        particular subject.


        *From:*Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com
        <mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com>] *On Behalf Of *Matt Hardy
        *Sent:* Wednesday, April 01, 2015 6:05 PM
        *To:* af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium thinks
        of WISPS

        v5.6 is getting close, there are rumors of RC/Final release
        coming "soon" ... ;)

        For NanoBeam, we did just receive some good news from the lab
        this week, so it appears there is light at the end of the
        tunnel. I wish I had more I could share, but we'll definitely
        keep you updated as we get more info.


        On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Bill Prince
        <part15...@gmail.com <mailto:part15...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        How is that going? I've got the 5.6 beta running on a small
        selection of subscribers, but I'm not really willing to make
        extensive use of it until (if?) it sees the light of day as a
        real release.

        ...and OBTW, what is the ETA on the expanded UNII frequencies
        on the nanobeam platform? Given a choice, I would only install
        nanobeams these days, except they don't cover all the
        frequencies we need. So I grit my teeth and install more (UGH)
        Really wish those boat anchors would go away.



        On 4/1/2015 4:29 PM, Matt Hardy wrote:

            I have to admit Ubiquiti doesn't have a great track record
            of SNMP support (I know I know) ;) -- but we're working on
            it. Trying to get it right in v5.6 with our new / custom
            MIB. If you guys need devices to test with, we'll be glad
            to donate a few...


            On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Josh Baird
            <joshba...@gmail.com <mailto:joshba...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                A lot of the products that WISPs use have historically
                had sketchy (and ever changing) SNMP support which is
probably one reason he is acting the way that he is. I am -not- making an excuse for his behavior or
                attitude; just stating a fact.


                On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:44 AM, WaveDirect
                <li...@wavedirect.org <mailto:li...@wavedirect.org>>

                Just shows you what sort "person" this guy is. Let him
                rot in his own cesspool of hate.  He just saw a bunch
                of work ahead of him that would benefit a great deal
                of people, took a half assed stab at it and then said
                "naw I'm too lazy I don't want to do it."

                Its a classic case of cognitive dissonance.  I'd like
                to do it, but its too hard therefore I don't want to
                do it and screw you I can't do it so I hate all of you.

                ----- Original Message -----
                From: "Ken Hohhof" <af...@kwisp.com
                To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 9:00:13 AM
                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium
                thinks of WISPS

                What does Adam Armstrong’s Linkedin profile say “Wispa
                Connoisseur”? He likes Wispa candy bars? It seems
                ironic if he looks down on WISPs.

                From: David Milholen
                Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 7:27 AM
                To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium
                thinks of WISPS

                Some folks in the coding world think they have the
                million dollar code and is above everyone else when in
                reality they suck at everything else
                and only have a decent piece of code nothing more.
                This is where open source gets versatile and ugly at
                times because someone that is willing
                to build the initial code to a higher standard can see
                the flaws others have made and fix what needs to be fixed.
                These are the guys who make open source a great place
                to play.

                Our entire core is built around open source our VMs
                and phy servers are all open source. I dont have a
                single windows machine in my office now.
                I did have an old XP machine to run linkplanner but
                WINE has come a long way so now I run it on my Debian
                console with no issue.

                all of our techs use small laptops with either
                crashbang linux or Lubuntu on them to allow them to
                switch between networks quickly.
                Our Senior tech can be in and out of a home in less
                than 40min with contract and paid invoice.
                up until last year we made the change to move all tech
                laptops to linux.

                On 3/31/2015 5:01 PM, Mike Hammett wrote:

                  I haven't paid him a dime, but it does many things
                very well.

                  It's like the guy that made the badass bandwidth
                shaper years ago. He was a tool, but people still
                bought it because it was the best at what it did.

                  Eventually someone else will make something better
                and not be a tool, but that's where we're at for now.

                  Mike Hammett
                  Intelligent Computing Solutions


                  From: "Lists" mailto:li...@wavedirect.org
                  To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                  Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 10:41:11 AM
                  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of
                Observium thinks of WISPS

                  So write a good product = you can treat customers
                (yes I paid the sub) however you want. Belittle
                industries publically without consequence?

                  Why are you apologizing for him? The means justifies
                the end?  I think its because you are probably the
                person who paid him to put the Trango Apex code in as
                well as other things and are invested.

                  ----- Original Message -----
                  From: "Mike Hammett" mailto:af...@ics-il.net
                  To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                  Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:38:00 AM
                  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of
                Observium thinks of WISPS

                  Lots of people do just that because it's the best at
                what it does do.

                  Mike Hammett
                  Intelligent Computing Solutions

                  ----- Original Message -----

                  From: "Lists" mailto:li...@wavedirect.org
                  To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                  Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 10:36:39 AM
                  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of
                Observium thinks of WISPS

                  Also a total douchebag and has scared more than one
                person away from his product with his personality. I
                openly admitted to him his product was great but the
                lack of flexibility will be his downfall. Nobody will
                want to do business with a person like this who openly
                calls you and everything you work for a "retard"

                  ----- Original Message -----
                  From: "Mike Hammett" mailto:af...@ics-il.net
                  To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                  Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:33:07 AM
                  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of
                Observium thinks of WISPS

                  Adam is very strong in his beliefs. that said,
                they're usually founded on something concrete.

                  Mike Hammett
                  Intelligent Computing Solutions

                  ----- Original Message -----

                  From: "Lists" mailto:li...@wavedirect.org

                  To: af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                  Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 10:09:41 AM
                  Subject: [AFMUG] What Adam Armstrong of Observium
                thinks of WISPS

                  This was on the channel #observium in open public
                chat (not private). Its pruned to take out some
                joins/parts useless info etc. I simply asked about
                support for Cambium and now we know exactly what he
                thinks of "wifi people". This guy is a true
                professional. Funny they think Mikrotik is "ghetto".
                Sure he makes some valid points about the lack of
                unity in our MIBS. I liked his product for our
                infrastructure, switches, routers etc. But I think I
                can get by without his product from now on. This is
                the luxury of having many independent monitoring
                systems. It lacks any real alerting system or agents
                for servers anyway. I literally started off with that
                sentence. He added some cambium support a few months
                ago so I wanted to know if more was coming.

                  [09:34] <Smeghead> any chance of adding more cambium
                stuff soon? :)
                  [09:34] <adama> are they another bunch of fucktards
                who make a new set of mibs for every product?
                  [09:35] <adama> everyone involved in wireless seems
                to be literally retarded when it comes to writing mibs
                  [09:37] <adama> yup, they are
                  [09:38] <Smeghead> Yeah so I guess we shouldn't
                support it then and all the millions of units out there.
                  [09:38] <adama> different set of mibs for every
                fuckign product
                  [09:38] <adama> jesus
                  [09:38] <Smeghead> They unified one of their mibs
                with the regular AP's
                  [09:38] <adama> can you english?
                  [09:39] <Smeghead> The interface stuff is the same
                for all of them
                  [09:39] <Smeghead> its your standard interface mibs.
                Other than that really there is MAYBE 10 unique things
                per different product
                  [09:40] <adama> fucking wifi people
                  [09:40] <adama> you guys have 12903819023810
                products from 129381 vendors
                  [09:40] <Smeghead> If you want to be thorough with
                them you could pull all sorts of stuff out.
                  [09:40] <adama> and you're always whining that we
                should support the stuff you want
                  [09:40] <adama> well fuck you all
                  [09:40] <Smeghead> Yeah thats my fault as a consumer
                of those products.
                  [09:41] <Smeghead> All I want to do is monitor the
                best.. Cambium is the biggest and most widely used
                next to Ubiquiti.. so I'd stick to supporting those 2
                  [09:41] <adama> meh
                  [09:41] <adama> get them to send us hardware
                  [09:41] <adama> and maybe we'll give a shit
                  [09:43] <Smeghead> I'll see if we can send you
                cambium for sure. I could even arrange you a login or
                set you up a vm on the network so you can probe some
                equipment we have plugged in in a separate environment
                for you.
                  [09:43] <Smeghead> I'm pretty sure I offered a few
                  [09:49] <Smeghead> to be honest though - I don't
                think observium is really hugely needed for AP's and
                subcribers. Maybe starting with just the wireless
                bridges first would be the best start. That isn't so
                  [09:57] <adama> you might as well go and hassle
                jaguar engineers about how they really should build a
                pickup truck
                  [09:57] <adama> i'm a telco/isp network person, i
                don't give 2 shits about wireless
                  [09:57] <Smeghead> Who do you think delivers
                internet to the massive areas between the major cities?
                  [09:58] <adama> i dunno, are we talking about
                retarded countries or not?
                  [09:58] <Smeghead> Yeah all of the Western hemisphere..
                  [09:59] <adama> lol
                  [09:59] <adama> XD
                  [10:01] <adama> my patience for people asking for
                wireless stuff ran out long ago
                  [10:01] <Smeghead> Well if you want more excuses to
                neglect a high percentage of industry in the world
                that delivers internet.. yeah take this one. Its
                probably too hard and too much work for you. Because
                the wireless industry is retarded.
                  [10:01] <adama> i know it is
                  [10:02] <Smeghead> Yet I can make some cacti graphs
                in a few mins for anything. Cacti is old and busted.
                Your product is new and refreshing. That is why the
                industry is bugging you.
                  [10:04] <adama> go and make some cacti graphs then
                  [10:04] <adama> i'm really fucking sick of this shit
                  [10:04] <adama> it doesn't take 5 minutes to add
                support for things
                  [10:04] <adama> especially no nfucking wireless stuff
                  [10:04] <adama> so just fuck off
                  [10:04] <adama> it's not going to happen
                  [10:04] <adama> and every one who asks makes it less
                likely to happen
                  [ 10:06] <Smeghead> But I'll bet if you asked for
                help you'd get it. Look I was willing to set you up a
                network with all the devices you need
                  [10:06] <adama> excuse me whilst i replace these
                32*10G bundles with some wireless
                  [10:06] <adama> HURR
                  [10:06] <adama> no
                  [10:06] <adama> i'd get a pile of useless shitty code
                  [10:06] <adama> that's the only thing we've ever
                gotten from the "community"
                  [10:09] <aden> adama: make Observium -3rd world
                edition, that only supports mikrotik and ghetto
                wireless hardware
                  [10:09] <adama> hah
                  [10:10] <Smeghead> Mainly because its (Mikrotik)
                like 10% of the price and does the same job and even
                better in many cases.
                  [10:11] <adama> no, they use it because it "just
                about works" and costs 10% of the price
                  [10:11] <Smeghead> Dragonwave aint ghetto nor some
                of these other backhaul manufacturers.
                  [10:12] <Smeghead> and your proof is from what
                  [10:12] <Smeghead> Sounds like a case of "they suck
                over there" and "I know all about them, I've never
                worked in the industry or actually been a part of any
                of it but I know what I'm talking about".
                  [10:13] <Smeghead> Those crazy brown people and
                their silly ways. They are inferior to us.
                  [10:13] <adama> man, this is exactly the kind of
                shit that made us go commercial in the first place
                  [10:14] <adama> dude
                  [10:14] <adama> just fuck off
                  [10:14] <adama> you're getting really tiring now
                  [10:14] <Smeghead> It takes 10x more effort to
                deliver internet to remote people.. not to mention
                flexibility and creativity.
                  [10:14] <Smeghead> Than some pompous pricks sitting
                in their offices
                  [10:15] <adama> so what was that, remove any
                existing wireless support and hope everyone else fucks
                off too?
                  [10:16] <adama> ok then!
                  [10:16] <Smeghead> Hahh what wireless support?
                  [10:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o adama
                  [10:16] * You were kicked by adama (Smeghead)
                  Session Close: Tue Mar 31 10:16:22 2015


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