Yes – I love that feature… I have a condo that I live in during the week for my 
new job and then I commute home (almost 4 hours away) to my “real home” … have 
VOIP.MS at both locations and can call back and forth for no charge … granted, 
I could use Skype as well but it’s more convenient just to use the existing 
phone service. :)


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bruce Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] VoIP, at least, waives the per-minute charge for on-net calls.

On 04/07/2015 05:54 AM, Adam Moffett wrote:

I don't know that providers offer discounts for VoIP to VoIP calls.  There's an 
open method with DNS SRV records.  You create a SRV record that says SIP 
traffic for "" goes to IP x.x.x.x on port y.
Then endpoints which support DNS SRV can call each other directly without using 
a phone number.  I would enter  <> 
"" into my SIP client to call you.

Would you really want to go there though?  You would still have to track 
minutes of PSTN termination and origination (or not offer it).  How do you 
differentiate that from Skype or Google Voice? 

On 4/6/2015 9:57 PM, Brett A Mansfield wrote:

With the technology we have today, why do we still use the PSTN? 


Does anyone know if Anyone has VoIP provider to another VoIP provider 


I also need a multi-tenant platform. Something I'd like to do is have each cell 
phone be a virtual extension without having to pay monthly for each and every 
phone I use. The average VoIP provider out there has a max of 15 Virtual 
Extensions and charges at least $10/mo just to have that. With some that rarely 
get used that is quite a bit. Anyone have any thoughts?

Thank you, 

Brett A Mansfield

On Apr 6, 2015, at 8:17 PM, Keefe John < 
<> > wrote:

What are people using for their multi-tenant voip platform?

On 4/6/2015 6:12 PM, Bruce Robertson wrote:

I use  Love 'em.

On 04/06/2015 03:55 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

Why not get SIP trunk, origination, termination, and DIDs from or 
similar?  We use VoIP Innovations but they have a $200/mo minimum.  It looks 
like has no monthly minimum, there is a $25 deposit which you replenish 
when you use it up.


Assuming you have existing numbers you want to port, you also need backoffice 
support for the LNP process, and you need a relationship with a CLEC that can 
provide origination (incoming calls) for the NPA/NXX of that DID.  A VoIP 
wholesaler like VI or has a bunch of CLECs they use for various DIDs.



From: James Howard <>  

Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 5:31 PM


Subject: Re: [AFMUG] VoIP


Will you sell SIP trunks to anyone?  What do you charge for them?


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chuck McCown
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2015 5:11 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] VoIP


I don’t know about most, but we will.


From: Lewis Bergman <>  

Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 3:56 PM

To: <>  

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] VoIP


I had no idea that most phone companies would sell you a SIP trunk. nifty.


On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Chuck McCown < 
<> > wrote:

You call up you local telephone company and ask for a sip trunk...

-----Original Message----- From: Brett A Mansfield
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 12:30 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] VoIP 

I expect there to be some cost, but these companies that want a fortune for a 
small amount of minutes are ridiculous. I'm okay with paying some amount for 
unlimited, but not a small amount per minute.

Thank you,
Brett A Mansfield

On Apr 6, 2015, at 1:26 PM, Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

If you want to place calls to/from the PSTN and not pay a dime, you're dreaming.

-----Original Message----- From: Brett A Mansfield
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 1:19 PM
To: <> 
Subject: [AFMUG] VoIP

I've played a bit with asterisk in the past along with similar products. I'm 
not really all that familiar with VoIP solutions or configuration, but if like 
to be. I want to start playing around with something to really familiarize 
myself with it.

The problem is that all I've seen is solutions where I'd have to pay for my SIP 
trunk or for some kind of service. Is it possible to get a fully functional 
VoIP solution using basic hardware for nothing? I can host my own SIP trunk I'm 
sure, but how do I get my phones to route to other phones and my number coming 
in to route to my phone system? Am I in a dream world, or is this actually 

Thank you,
Brett A Mansfield




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