Salmon Rushdie is still alive isn’t he?

From: Rory Conaway 
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mimosa

Yea, but if some investor sees it, you will have a Fatwa put out on you.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chuck McCown
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:37 AM
To: af
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mimosa


We say negative stuff about each other every day...  

Kinda like a locker room in here.


From: Mathew Howard 

Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:37 AM

To: af 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mimosa


This is afmug... we say negative stuff about Ubiquiti everyday :P

I don't find it hard to believe that the Mimosa is getting a lot better 
throughput in this particular situation, but it would be really interesting to 
know how the two compared using the exact same channels.... probably not 
actually possible to know at this point, since I'm assuming he had the AF5x on 
a 50mhz channel, which can't done on a Mimosa.


On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Rory Conaway <> wrote:

Don’t have your answer, only the results and the radios are running 40x40, 
split channels.  I do know he doesn’t want to get into a battle with everyone 
over this issue and I don’t blame him.  Mention something negative about 
Ubiquiti and you get investigated and accused of everything from stealing candy 
from babies to taking payoffs from multiple sides and trying to short sell the 
stock.  He saw the lies and false accusations I had to go through on 
SeekingAlpha and he doesn’t want any part of that.   Nobody wants the facts, 
more important to attack the messenger.  This gentlemen also has 30 more years 
in the radio industry than I do so I respect what he says.  




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Josh Reynolds
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mimosa


This story doesn't make a bit of sense.

There would only be a handful of reasons he couldn't get "enough throughput 
with AF5x radios", but could with a B5.
If it's noise, well, the AF5X is going to handle adjacent and co-channel noise 
better than the B5, given the same channel widths and channel selection.

There are certain situations where if everything was perfect and you were using 
a PAIR of 40MHz channels, that you could pull it off... but given you said it's 
a busy site, I'm not thinking that's the case.

I'd love to learn more about that deployment.

Josh ReynoldsCIO, SPITwSPOTSwww.spitwspots.comOn 05/20/2015 05:33 AM, Rory 
Conaway wrote:

  I�ve got 10 of them up and they have worked great.� As for mixing it with 
Cambium gear, that�s a tough one.� Because there is no interoperability 
with GPS between manufacturers, you have to rely on normal isolation 
methods.� You probably want to keep them at least 10 apart or more.� On the 
one tower where I was concerned about the issue and another location where I 
have a lot of 5GHz radios, Ubiquiti, and others on the same roof, I�m using 
the Jirous dishes with the built-in shrouds and then using the B5c�s.� I 
don�t have any comparison to the B5 in that situation, I just planned for the 
worst case scenario.� I have another colleague that is using the B5c�s with 
Ubiquiti antennas with Ubiquiti shroud on the same roof because he needed a 
34dBi antenna and it�s shooting 32 miles. ��He couldn�t get enough 
throughput out of the AF5x radios so he swapped to the Mimosa and he is getting 
2-3 times more throughput, about 200Mbps.




  From: Af [] On Behalf Of Ryan Mano
  Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:20 AM
  To: ''
  Subject: [AFMUG] mimosa


  Would like to know what your feedback is on the mimosa B5 intergrated�.am 
looking to try this out and if its ok to mix with cambium gear on the same 







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