We do both nLOS and NLOS here without much issue. Just dont try it thru any pine or needle type trees. Most nLOS shots we have are around 5 and 6 mile and NLOS are around 3 and 4 Anything below a -76db for total strength we question it due to rain fade and other unpredictable
weather issues that may occur unless its LOS.

On 6/9/2015 5:04 PM, Sean Heskett wrote:
don't use the connectorized version.  use a bare SM or SM with reflector.

use the cambium 90* sector antenna

as long as you are not trying to do nLOS or NLOS you should be fine. you might get away with one tree in the way but not much else.

2 cents


On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Darin Steffl <darin.ste...@mnwifi.com <mailto:darin.ste...@mnwifi.com>> wrote:

    Hey guys,

    We have not yet tried any of the PMP 450 gear in 3.65 and
    wondering if you have any advice and info on how we can
    successfully try one sector. We have 8 customers on a 2.4 Ubiquiti
    sector with heavy interference and we need them off that ASAP.
    They're all within 1 mile of tower site with signals from -50 to
    -65 on nanobeams and they all fall within a 90 degree coverage

    Would we be better off buying the bare SM's with a reflector dish
    or getting the connectorized version and finding a panel or dish
    antenna? Any recommendations for either kind of antenna?

    We should be fine with the Lite-AP for now since we have under 10
    customers we want to trial this with. For doing standalone, do we
    need the CMM of Packetflux gear or can we just purchase standalone
    power supply and GPS antennas?

    Should we use the standard Cambium recommend 90 degree antenna or
    would you recommend another brand like KP Performance or Ubiquiti?

    Also, who would have best price on Cambium gear with our normal
    discount? We purchase from Streakwave and Doubleradius and
    wondering if other master distributors might have better pricing
    than these two?

    If I think of anything else, I'll fire it off to the list.

    Thank you

-- Darin Steffl
    Minnesota WiFi
    www.mnwifi.com <http://www.mnwifi.com/>
    <http://www.facebook.com/minnesotawifi> Like us on Facebook


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