You can push it all the way to the border(s) and have the same problem. You'll still need more upstream bandwidth. Because some CDNs think bandwidth is unlimited. We should start sending them a bill for 50% of our upstream costs.

On 7/8/2015 7:21 PM, Darin Steffl wrote:
Find a way to shape bandwidth at your edge/core routers instead of at the tower? Powercode, Azotel, and possibly others will do this.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:15 PM, George Skorup < <>> wrote:

    Is this only from LLNW? I swear I've seen it from other CDNs as
    well. I don't see any way around this other than throwing
    bandwidth at it. And as you mention, this means upstream bandwidth
    and backhaul links between towers.

    On 7/8/2015 5:50 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

        This has been discussed in previous threads, but I just got
        off a call with a customer where I was able to identify what
        content was being distributed via LLNW and causing problems.
        Customer had bought a new Xbox and it was downloading game
        updates.  He was complaining that the game update seemed stuck
        getting to 100%, plus Internet on his other devices was
        painfully slow.

        LLNW seems to aim for 50% packet loss.  I always seem to see
        almost exactly 2X the customer's rate limit hitting our border
        router.  Of course this causes all traffic to that customer to
        experience random 50% packet loss, which few applications can
        tolerate.  It is also consuming our upstream and backhaul
        bandwidth beyond what the customer has subscribed to, since we
        do rate limiting at the tower router.

        Other than getting a Procera box and setting up some kind of
        rule to catch this at the border (plus maybe a penalty for
        LLNW being such dicks), I don't know what to do about this,
        but it pisses me off.

Darin Steffl
Minnesota WiFi <>
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