Can you tell I was a HW engineer?  And then a PHB*?  Software was just a SMOP**.
Everything is easy when someone else has to do it.
And mistakes are obvious once someone has pointed them out.

* Pointy Haired Boss
** Small Matter Of Programming

From: Matt Mangriotis 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] pmp100 pmp450 sync calculator issues

Oh Ken… you think this is so easy.



From: Af [] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] pmp100 pmp450 sync calculator issues


Why was someone even in there changing code?  And whatever happened to 
automated regression testing?


From: George Skorup 

Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 8:21 PM


Subject: Re: [AFMUG] pmp100 pmp450 sync calculator issues


I updated a 900 AP. Looking at /engineering.cgi on this 13.4 AP and a 13.1.3 
AP, the current frame configuration matches. The frame calculator is definitely 
broken. I see what the difference is now. The new calculator shows max range 
air delay as one-way, while the previous calculator shows round-trip air delay. 
Somebody forgot to do math somewhere. So the new calculator needs one-way air 
delay added to the AP's Rx Start value. Not the end of the world, but yes, 

On 7/15/2015 5:04 PM, George Skorup wrote:

  My guess is it's just the calculator page code that got mucked up, not the 
actual running RF operation/framing.

  Go to one AP that is on 13.1.3 and another that's on 13.4. Log in and change 
the URL to /engineering.cgi and look at the "Current Frame Configuration" on 
both radios. They should match. If they don't then... uh oh. I don't have 
enough stuff updated yet to do this myself.

  On 7/15/2015 3:47 PM, Craig Schmaderer wrote:

    This case has now been sent up to upper level engineers.� I guess this 
might be a huge bug, no one can still tell me what calculator is the correct 
value or if the new software is even running the right time when you 
upgrade.� I would be careful upgrading radios if you need to time your 100 
and 450 together until this gets resolved.�� 


    Craig R. Schmaderer

    CEO | Skywave Wireless, Inc.

    Ph: 402-372-1975 | Fax: 402-372-1058

    Direct: 402-372-1052


    From: Af [] On Behalf Of George Skorup
    Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 6:13 PM
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] pmp100 pmp450 sync calculator issues


    WTF. So is it the new one or the old one that's wrong?

    I just ran your dimensions on a 450 AP running 13.2.1. I got the same as 
your FSK on 13.1.3. Apparently something changed after 13.2/.1.

    On 7/9/2015 2:34 PM, Craig Schmaderer wrote:

      So I have a ticket open with cambium on this issue.� Have you guys 
noticed the fsk calculator on pmp100 radios with software 13.1.3 and lower give 
you different results than the fsk calculator on a 450 radio running 13.3?

      I can�t believe cambium never caught this but the tech acts like wow, 
that�s weird?�� Really?�� So I am trying to figure out if it is an 
error, or if it matters the software version, that said if people start 
upgrading to 13.4 on 100 your calculators will change, at least with my 
settings, so be careful to check your settings again after the upgrade.� I 
will post my findings with support.� Here is a screen shot of the same radio 
with 13.1.3 and than with 13.4, you will notice that the difference in software 
changes the ap start receive time by more than 600.� I would assume that you 
really don�t want to be off that much.� Any insight on this would be great!





      Craig R. Schmaderer

      CEO | Skywave Wireless, Inc.

      Ph: 402-372-1975 | Fax: 402-372-1058

      Direct: 402-372-1052





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