I had a 5GHz SM showing ADI communication failure in red. I sent a screenshot. The other was a 3.6GHz SM and showed only RF calibration failure. They wanted to have Tier 3 support get access to it to recalibrate. I explained that the event log was showing ADI forced reset invoked, and it watchdog reset about every minute or two, just like the 5GHz radio. After that, they accepted it for RMA, without the recalibration. Those definitely showed issues on the bench immediately at boot. I have about 30 more SMs in stock ready to be deployed and I hope there are no more of these.

On 8/17/2015 8:03 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
I've had one so far, it ran for awhile at a customer then started rebooting for a few hours, run for a few hours, reboot for a few more hours. Cambium wanted a screenshot, evidently the event log wasn't good enough. I ran the bad one at the office for a few hours and it didn't screw up.

They had me send it to the repair place in Elgin. What do you want to bet they will say no trouble found and send it back?

-----Original Message----- From: Mark Radabaugh
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 7:25 PM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] New Cambium 450 SM's dying after a couple of days with"ADI communication error"

3 more this weekend.

One lucky customer is on the 4th radio. We found her a 6 month old radio for the next attempt at repairing it.


On Aug 17, 2015, at 7:53 PM, George Skorup <geo...@cbcast.com> wrote:

Knock on wood.. we've had two confirmed (already RMA'd) and maybe a 3rd out of 60-70 so far. It sucks, but shit happens.

On 8/17/2015 6:31 PM, Jeff Hardy wrote:
I'm halfway through a box of 25 with 4 failures so far, all requiring truck rolls and embarrassment. I'm going to hold off on sending in the box of dead radios as we will probably have another one tomorrow. Nice to know they are working on it....

On 08/12/2015 09:43 AM, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. People used to write articles about Motorola quality: http://www.qualitymag.com/articles/84187-motorola-a-tradition-of-quality

3 failed so far out of a 25 pack - no six Sigma here.

Dear Cambium - what’s going on, and how many more of these can we expect to fall over dead?

Not cool when it happens to the same new customer twice in 10 days. Makes us look like idiots.


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