Well, you're losing about 10 dB somewhere. You should be losing less than 3 dB at 30 degrees since it's a 65 degree sector at the 3 dB points.

If you are reusing dishes, what kind of dish? Are these Cambium/KPP dishes? Did you tweak up the alignment after replacing the 2.4 SM? Any chance the sector downtilt is off?

Are you graphing the signal? Does it stay steady, or vary throughout the day like maybe you have some multipath?

The numbers I quoted are based on actual deployment, although they line up with path calcs. So you should be able to achieve them.

-----Original Message----- From: Matt
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:35 PM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Cambium PMP 450 5GHZ Cluster

I would expect -67 to -70 under the following assumptions:

- operating in 5.7 GHz
- 19 dBm xmt power on AP
- measuring rcv signal at SM (higher at AP because SM can exceed +36 EIRP
- straight down the middle of the sector
- downtilt properly adjusted on sector
- no multipath or rain fading

At the edge of a sector (+/- 45 degrees azimuth) expect to lose 5-6 dB.

Your assumptions are pretty well right on my system setup.  Except I
am about 30 degrees from center of sector on this SM.  This is my link
status.  AP -76.0 (-79.6 V / -78.5 H) SM -80.5 (-83.0 V / -84.0 H)
with 22mbps downlink test.

Expected more.  The cambium 90 sector antennas are new but AP's are
pretty old pulls from a deployment that never panned out.  Think they
are back from when PMP450 line first started shipping.

This site has a PMP100 2.4 cluster running out of capacity.  Was
hopping to overlay with 5.8 450 and just drop the SM's in existing
reflectors of higher tier users that had LOS.

I just deployed 4 90 degree Cambium 450 sectors on a 300 foot tower.
I have a very clear LOS CPE at 6 miles with a reflector dish.  What
kind of signal should I have at this range?

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