DDOSDNS bot trying to find a live host for pushing responses.

add rule
 input udp dest-port 53 interface=to internet drop in your firewall

hate those little bastards dont have anything else to do except do what their programmed to do

On 10/08/2015 11:42 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
So I'm at home, turning up a subnet on a mikrotik on the network. Mind you this subnet hasn't been in use in 6 months. This is for some servers so I create a default deny policy with logging. One of the IPs is being hammered on port 53 udp per the packet sniffer. The IP isn't live, its just dropping because of the policy. Its not much bandwidth but as best I can tell its constantl and different IPs.

Is the packet sniffer on these things similar to tcpdump, the manual page didn't seem so. All I can guess is these are part of something I'm not related to and since this IP hasn't been live in 6 months its spoofed or something and these are some sort of response packet to a denial of service somewhere else. but this subnet, not this particular IP, will house a couple DNS servers, I just want to make sure theres no shenanigans going on before I turn anything up Without being at the office to wireshark this from a switch, how do I get more out of this mikrotik packet sniffer

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