I don't want to read the book. That's like TV for smart people.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 2:07 PM CBB - Jay Fuller <par...@cyberbroadband.net>

> yes, but unsuited once he pressurized the "repaired" hab unit...i wouldn't
> have trusted that.
> well, you know, i was in the audience so my thoughts didn't really
> matter... lol
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>
> *To:* af@afmug.com
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 12:27 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
> He suited up.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Oct 10, 2015 12:58 PM, "CBB - Jay Fuller" <par...@cyberbroadband.net>
> wrote:
>> i was laughing pretty hard when he sealed the hab with plastic wrap...i
>> mean really?  that's not going to keep the heat in for sure...
> but hey, it's a movie..
> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com>
>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 12:28 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
>> Mars is -55c, one would think those potatoes would be useless in
>> minutes.  Even if they took an hour, it was hours before he sealed the lab.
>> Untethered was driving me nuts.  So dumb.  Bad for science and the movie.
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Oct 10, 2015 1:19 AM, "CBB - Jay Fuller" <par...@cyberbroadband.net>
>> wrote:
>>> the "convertible" didn't throw you?  It did me....i mean, really?  Now
>>> you just KNEW halfway through that launch the tent tarp would come off....i
>>> mean, you just knew it.
>>> then again they pointed out the very thin atmosphere....and stuff
>>> usually burns up on re-entry, not taking off.
>>> but still - are you kidding me?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <ch...@wbmfg.com>
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 05, 2015 9:46 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
>>> Minor spoiler alert.......
>>> The few complaints are:
>>> Hermes EVA untethered.  Not gonna happen.
>>> Standing in a docking port untethered waiting for a cargo shipment.  Not
>>> gonna happen.
>>> Hermes crew being able to calculate dynamic intercept and explosive
>>> decompression thrust issues in seemingly minutes.  Perhaps computers are
>>> that good in that year but the guy on earth had to go physically plug into
>>> a supercomputer to do the same thing and it seemingly took him several
>>> days... (that would not happen either, the physically plugging into the
>>> supercomputer)
>>> Old lander having a data bus that could interconnect with new stuff.
>>> Perhaps.  Maybe there is some kind of old NASA standard data bus like
>>> RS-232.  Might could have happened.
>>> Antenna on old lander looked too small to do the trick. I am thinking if
>>> that was a true replica, it was probably talking to an orbiting relay
>>> spacecraft back when it was still working.
>>> Video links on Hermes and on Mars seemed to be interlaced analog
>>> video....  Come on!  Analog video artifacts too when the power was
>>> blinking.  We all understand pixilation, that is what you would truly be
>>> seeing.
>>> Hydrazine on iridium makes steam, not hydrogen.  But even better for
>>> making water.  Does not require a flame.
>>> Ironman thrust vectors would probably not look like what we saw.
>>> Potatoes would not instantly freeze so hard they would die.  Takes time
>>> for the heat to leave them.  I think he could have quickly saved a few
>>> viable specimens.
>>> I positively loved the hexadecimal / ASCII  pointer system...  That
>>> stroked some dormant but very favorite gray cells in my noggin.
>>> I wished he had scavenged some of those larger parabolic antennas and
>>> rigged up a high bandwidth link with earth.  They could have use the dishes
>>> at Goldstone, Canberra and Madrid to talk to him half of each day.  (Of
>>> course with the delay).  I imagine he would have had to track the earth so
>>> that may have been pretty difficult to do for any length of time.
>>> *From:* Patrick Leary <patrick.le...@telrad.com>
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 05, 2015 6:12 AM
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
>>> My wife, two teen daughters and I saw Martian this weekend. It was one
>>> of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time and I’m a movie freak.
>>> Perfect casting and even better script. Matt Damon had a tough job carrying
>>> the film in his scenes, but his use of the station video-based report
>>> filing enables us to get more entertaining dialogue from him (as opposed to
>>> the slightly more I’m-going-crazy-talking-to-myself lines from Tom Hanks in
>>> Castaway talking to “Wilber”).
>>> Throughout the movie Damon is friggin’ great (but those of us who like
>>> in the Bourne movies know his ability to nail a role without coming across
>>> as a cartoon character already knew this). The science seemed just
>>> plausible enough for non-scientists.
>>> Not enough credit in the reviews will be given to the Nasa team cast on
>>> earth, but without it, the movie would have dragged and feeling their
>>> urgency and suspense builds our own.
>>> Just go see it. I cannot imagine any WISP not loving this movie, as it
>>> takes one’s inner geek and shows us how to turn it into total badassery.
>>> Patrick Leary, Telrad
>>> 727-501-3735
>>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 5, 2015 12:26 AM
>>> *To:* Animal Farm <af@afmug.com>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
>>> Ha
>>> On Oct 4, 2015 9:00 PM, "Glen Waldrop" <gwl...@cngwireless.net> wrote:
>>> *From:* Jaime Solorza <losguyswirel...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 04, 2015 10:56 AM
>>> *To:* Animal Farm <af@afmug.com>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
>>> Please no spoilers
>>> On Oct 3, 2015 7:14 PM, "Daniel White" <afmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I saw it yesterday.  It was one of the best movies I have seen in a long
>>> time.
>>> Two thumbs up.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Daniel White
>>> afmu...@gmail.com
>>> Cell: +1 (303) 746-3590 <%2B1%20%28303%29%20746-3590>
>>> Skype: danieldwhite
>>> Social: LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielwhite84>: Twitter
>>> <https://twitter.com/DanielWhite84>
>>> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Chuck McCown
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 3, 2015 6:48 PM
>>> *To:* af@afmug.com
>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Movie Review
>>> Martian
>>> Loved it.
>>> Much better physics than that silly George Clooney movie.
>>> And funny too.
>>> ------------------------------
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