I don’t think Trump qualifies as running a big organization, in any sense 
comparable to running the Executive branch.  Fiorina at least ran a large 
corporation with many departments and business units.

Actually I think Bernie Sanders may be the smartest, most honest, and most 
independent guy in the race.  Just this small matter of being a self-described 

Ben Carson scares me with that droopy-eyed spaced-out thing he does.  Like he’s 
on something.  That doesn’t bother anyone?  I would even be scared to have him 
do brain surgery on me, even though by all accounts he is an excellent doctor.  
I don’t know why everyone says he is so smart - because he has a medical 
degree?  Fiorina seems much sharper to me, but I keep waiting for her to eat a 
rat like Diana the reptilian alien in “V”.  Granted she got fired at HP (Carly, 
not Diana), but compared to that guy Leo Apotheker she was a genius.  Not an 
Eisenhower though.

We really need the Tea Party to split off as their own party and stop co-opting 
the Republican party.  And for Socialists to run under their own party as well. 
 Then we can have a multi-party system like most of the rest of the world, 
where one of the centrist parties has to get one or more fringe parties to join 
their caucus to get a majority.  The current system where party primaries 
discard people like Bob Bennett and Eric Cantor as too centrist, that’s getting 

From: Rory Conaway 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 11:16 AM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

He can’t be influenced by other peoples money.  Not a bad thing.  Again, could 
he be worse than what we have?




From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Mathew Howard
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:13 AM
To: af
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc


So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large organization, 
afterall :P


On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:

Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?


I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.



From: Patrick Leary 

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM

To: af@afmug.com 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc


Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.


Patrick Leary


On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:

Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com> 

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...


Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, one. 



On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <j...@imaginenetworksllc.com> 

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:

Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years????  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:

Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in "Certain 
Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those rights, not 
impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want someone else to 
take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and just plain dumb. 
 Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and compare that 
position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of their past posts 


I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.  I 
will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone else 
easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd player as more 
libtardiness suggested,,,,  How dumb! To take a life because someone is a 
thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to make others believe 
that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life is precious, things, not 
so much!  But my life is more precious to me than to let someone else try to 
protect me from halfway across the county (The Police)! 


So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of salient 
points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that describes all 
the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and libtard pretty much 
does that!


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <lewis.berg...@gmail.com> wrote:

Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort to name 
calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <wireless...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!


  On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<par...@cyberbroadband.net> wrote:


    It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do 
not necessarily share your views.

    Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know 
what they were doing.

    For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming 
more and more difficult ;)


      ----- Original Message ----- 

      From: Chuck McCown 

      To: af@afmug.com 

      Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM

      Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc


      This has been fun reading.

      I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
      well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all 
      social media I need.

      I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

      I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
      Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker 
      suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
      they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
      floor.  That is the psych floor.

      Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in 
      gets reported to the FOID people.
      They revoke the FOID card.

      This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
      He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
      back in about 6 weeks.

      So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!



  Philip J. Rankin 

  Wireless Telecommunications Services
  PO Box 24
  Pittsburg, KS  66762



Philip J. Rankin 

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762



Philip J. Rankin 

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762



Philip J. Rankin 

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762




Philip J. Rankin 

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

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