If you’re talking equipment certified under the new FCC rules, there is no 
simple answer.  It depends on the radio and may be different at every frequency 
even within the same band.  So you need to check the firmware or a path 
calculator tool from the particular manufacturer, unless you are able to 
decipher the FCC equipment authorization filing.

If you’re talking equipment grandfathered under the old rules, I believe it’s 
still +36 dBm in 5725-5850 for APs, and +30 dBm in DFS bands (less if channel 
is smaller than 20 MHz).  If you want to know 5150-5250, that wasn’t even 
available under the old rules.

I could be wrong, but that’s my understanding.

From: That One Guy /sarcasm 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 2:54 PM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: [AFMUG] current 5ghz chart

is there a current printable chart online I can see for printing as reference 
for EIRP rules


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