No worries, you are on the right track, and asking the right questions..... The 
document, while it says a lot, it also leaves another very interesting question 
unanswered, with a very casual implied answer.... 

See if you can read between the lines and figure out the 'it' ! 


(ref: Movie City Slickers .... 'it' is different for everyone ! ) 


Faisal Imtiaz 
Snappy Internet & Telecom 
7266 SW 48 Street 
Miami, FL 33155 
Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232 

Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: 

> From: "Joshaven Mailing Lists" <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2015 4:44:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] to slant, or not to slant - that is the question

> Thanks! Just the info I needed so that I can figure out how to eat my shorts!
> Now I need to read this thing really carefully because my mind just went pop.
> Sounds like y’all were ahead of me in this area of thinking something was out
> of order…

> Sincerely,
> Joshaven Potter
> Google Hangouts:
> Cell & SMS: 1-517-607-9370

>> On Dec 4, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Faisal Imtiaz < > wrote:

>> Since inquiring minds want to know...

>> Here is the Word on this topic from Cambium... (While this was titled 
>> 2.4Ghz, as
>> per them, it applies to their 5ghz as well).

>> :)

>> Faisal Imtiaz
>> Snappy Internet & Telecom
>> 7266 SW 48 Street
>> Miami, FL 33155
>> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232

>> Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email:

>>> From: "Joshaven Mailing Lists" < >
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Friday, December 4, 2015 4:15:55 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] to slant, or not to slant - that is the question

>>> The Atheros chipset differentiating between the Mimo chains does not have 
>>> to do
>>> with 45º slant vs 90º… it means that chain A and B on one radio can be H&V 
>>> or
>>> V&H while chain A and B on the other can be H&V or V&H interchangeably with 
>>> no
>>> loss because and the chip will just cross them over as needed. This means 
>>> that
>>> hooking up the antenna cables “backwards” won’t effect anything. It doesn’t
>>> mean that the orientation of the antenna is irrelevant.

>>> The energy received by an antenna that is out of phase with another antenna 
>>> is
>>> much less then if it was in phase that is a principal of radio that no 
>>> chipset
>>> will ever overcome. Now… maybe you can make a magic antenna that is “multi
>>> phased” such that it can tune in a 45º phase offset signal well. I suspect 
>>> that
>>> the Cambium equipment when properly matched will both have the same
>>> polorization.

>>> I believe that if your having the same outcome on slant or not slant it 
>>> would be
>>> due to one chain being refracted. For example if your horizontal chain was 
>>> fine
>>> but the virtual chain was refracted off something such that the wave was on 
>>> or
>>> near a 45º slant then you would have the same basic performance regardless 
>>> of a
>>> standard or slant orientation. This however is a path issue not a design
>>> characteristic of the chipset or antenna.

>>> FYI, linearly polarization is not a reference to the polarization being on a
>>> vertical, horizontal or slant axis but a reference to the way the wave
>>> propagates, circular polarization is an alternative to linear polarization 
>>> not
>>> “slant".

>>> Sincerely,
>>> Joshaven Potter
>>> Google Hangouts:
>>> Cell & SMS: 1-517-607-9370

>>>> On Dec 4, 2015, at 2:13 PM, Adam Moffett < > wrote:

>>>> The DSP in the ePMP can do some kind of processing to correct for the 45 
>>>> degree
>>>> offset when you have slant on one end and V+H on the other. I might not be
>>>> stating it with the correct technical jargon, but that's the gist of it. 
>>>> They
>>>> sell a dual slant sector for the AP with the intent to use it with V+H
>>>> integrated SM.

>>>> This is a built in feature of the Atheros chipset, so presumably UBNT 
>>>> radios can
>>>> do the same thing.

>>>> That all said...I would try to match them up as just a matter of principle.

>>>> On 12/4/2015 2:07 PM, Joshaven Mailing Lists wrote:

>>>>> Your AP & SM should always have the same antenna orientation. I promise 
>>>>> you that
>>>>> you don’t want slant on the AP and not on the CPE. If the signal is so
>>>>> obstructed that the orientation is screwed up to the point that unmatched
>>>>> polarization is actually a benefit then there is something seriously 
>>>>> wrong…

>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Joshaven Potter
>>>>> Google Hangouts:
>>>>> Cell & SMS: 1-517-607-9370

>>>>>> On Dec 4, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Paul McCall < > wrote:

>>>>>> We are looking at smaller sector sizes for a 5 Ghz ePMP cluster (60 
>>>>>> degree
>>>>>> probably), and am considering my options, which might also increase my 
>>>>>> gain
>>>>>> quite a bit. Using a non-Dual Slant sector such as AM-5AC21-60, would 
>>>>>> increase
>>>>>> my options. There have been a calling threads on Cambium’s sites about 
>>>>>> whether
>>>>>> Dual Slant was a big factor at the AP if the SMs aren’t dual-slant.
>>>>>> Cambium’s Daniel Sullivan made this comment … The thread was originally 
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> 2.4 Ghz options, so not sure if it applies exactly to 5 Ghz.
>>>>>> Paul

>> <ePMP_2_4_GHz Antenna_Configuration.pdf>

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