I’d recommend at least trying the 450i.  If the dominant interference is Canopy 
900, use the GPS sync and match timing parameters.  I can’t guarantee you will 
get an improvement over FSK, but I think it’s worth trying.  I had a 900 FSK AP 
with subs that wouldn’t even stay registered, I swapped it out for 450i and 
after some tweaking to the timing parameters was able to get 4X in a 7 MHz 
channel and the subs stay registered.

From: George Skorup 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2016 8:35 PM
To: af@afmug.com 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Runcom TVWS

I'm looking at it this way. We have a lot of 900 FSK and the noise floor is 
already pretty bad. The power company will be rolling out smart grid soon. 
Cambium showed some real-world results in a high noise floor environment (like 
-50 across the band) and while the 450i worked, throughput was no better than 
FSK. So the 900 450i would be a very big investment for no performance gain.

Now, take the Runcom TVWS, which is the only viable gear right now. If you have 
two adjacent channels open and can run 10MHz channel bandwidth, you'll probably 
see around 20Mbps of throughput per base station. That's 5 times better than 
FSK or the 450i in a high noise environment.

On 1/16/2016 8:12 PM, David Milholen wrote:

  TVWS has its place for now in low demand environments ie telemetry, utility 
and industrial. As far as end user 
  I would be prone to make a showing in places where dial up or satellite is 
the only option.
  Plus with so many restrictions its about as good as 2.4 with no interference 
as far as range.
  Until restrictions on power and height are lifted and bit per hertz is 
increased I am not impressed with the band yet.


  On 1/16/2016 7:31 PM, George Skorup wrote:

    There's a thread going on the WISP members list about this very topic. Are 
you on that list? Someone said don't waste your time and money, but wouldn't 
say why. So I don't have a clue, but I'd like to put up a trial site this 
spring because 900 is shit. 

    On 1/16/2016 6:00 PM, Craig House wrote: 

      Anyone out there had experience with it.  Our is supposed to be all on 
site this week.  So far I haven't heard the greatest things but I know that bad 
experiences tend to make the rounds in the form of complaints more than the 
good experiences do so I'm trying to be optimistic still. 


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