Actually 6.32.2. There is no 6.32.4 listed for ARM on the download page. I
was trying to be conservative and go with "bugfix" not "current". I was
going to use these for a business install tomorrow, the only 2011 I have on
hand is a desktop model with WiFi, but I guess I will take that with just in
It's kind of annoying that you have to do some things from the CLI because
they aren't supported or are broken in Winbox and Webmin. Like switch
master port (missing in Winbox, somewhat broken in Webmin), or configuring
the LCD panel. From what I see on the forums, these are not fixed even in
the latest beta.
-----Original Message-----
From: George Skorup
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Mikrotik 3011 problems with ports 6-10
Do you mean 6.34.2? That's the current release for ARM. You could also
try 6.35-rc12. There's nothing in any changelogs about it, but MikroTik
is notorious for fixing/breaking stuff and not telling anybody.
On 2/21/2016 7:08 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
Running 6.32.2 since that's the latest bugfix load for ARM, and it's what
came loaded on the router.
If I plug into any of ports 6-10, the interface keeps going
up/down/up/down every few seconds. Ports 1-5 no problems. I am confused,
supposedly both switch groups use the same model of switch chip.
Just to make sure I didn't have a config problem or a bad router, I took
another one out of the box, plugged into port 7, same thing. I got this
with my laptop but I also tried a nanostation I had sitting here and got
the same thing, the laptop is gigabit, the nanostation is 10/100. Also
didn't make any difference with my laptop if I forced one end or the other
to 100FDX. Both sides report the link going down.
Has anyone else seen this or seen something on the forums about it? This
seems very ungood. So instead of a 2011 with ports 6-10 limited to
10/100, I get ports 6-10 unusable.