If someone really wants to get him no secret service is going to prevent
it...and it doesn't have to a gun.   I don't want someone to kill him.
Thats not what are about..  how ugly that someone in crowd yells kill him
about protester.    Trumps followers are craven lackeys (old cold war term-
blind followers in simple language ).   Sounded like a gladiator event.
On Mar 13, 2016 10:13 AM, "Josh Reynolds" <j...@kyneticwifi.com> wrote:

> I had never watched this before, but I came across it today.
> https://video.twimg.com//ext_tw_video//708728294708015104//pu//vid//640x360//yHRkyZIQTjmheSW4.mp4
> "Kill him!"
> "Kick his ass Donald!"... hah, I did laugh at the yelling
> The very first thing I noticed was the super weird reactions by the
> Secret Service. Pay attention to how long it takes for somebody to
> actually stand in *front* of him, and then *behind* him. I know a bit
> about VIP protection. Not a lot mind you, but a bit. They don't seem
> the least bit worried that this was a simple misdirection to pull the
> Secret Service's attention away from the real plan. Then they open his
> circle of protection back up *very* quickly...
> Maybe I'm overanalyzing the video, and maybe I'm thinking too highly
> of the capabilities and training of the Secret Service... but this all
> just looks like amateur hour to me.

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