His daughter IS a smokeshow though :P
On Mar 13, 2016 1:36 PM, "Rory Conaway" <r...@triadwireless.net> wrote:

> And I appreciate the honesty except that I believe you are wrong by
> painting everyone with the same brush.  I’m not a Trump fanatic, I’m just
> an anti-everyone else who I already know person.
> 1)      For every bad businessman who became a politician, I can show you
> a good one.  They are no better or worse than any of the lawyers we have
> had and I can argue the lawyers have been the worst and most corrupt.
> 2)      The mistake I think you are making is that a politician is a good
> thing.  At this point, running a country, state, or even a city is like
> running a company.  If you don’t understand the economics of the business,
> you are doomed, hence the stupid statements by a Nancy Pelosi who says “we
> don’t have spending problem, we have a deficit problem”.  Therefore you
> want a CEO experience set.
> 3)      It’s wrong to say a business person runs thing like a
> dictatorship.  The reality is that a CEO has to bring the people who work
> for him into the same vision.  If he doesn’t, the business fails.  That’s
> pure political experience right there.
> 4)      You and I simply aren’t going to agree on the Obama decision as I
> agree with Trump.  Everything he did, including all the decisions with the
> FCC and the influence of Google and the lobbyists that have hurt this
> industry, start with him, even if he was told what to do.  At the same
> time, the Republicans have been bought and sold by big companies also, I
> have no answer here.  So given no good answer, how about trying something
> new, it simply can’t get worse.
> 5)      The lusting comment was completely misunderstood.  It was his way
> of saying his daughter is beautiful.  Yea, it was inappropriate but I could
> say the sky is blue and my enemies would tell me that I hate the sky since
> I think it’s depressing.  Of course, they could also say I am racist which
> they have, regardless of how despicable and untrue it is.  Anyone who knows
> me, and you clearly don’t, know I abhor racism at all levels, regardless of
> who is promoting it on either side.  I hate race hustlers and excuses for
> failure, big difference.
> Rory
> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 10:41 AM
> *To:* Animal Farm
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] "Attack on trump" video
> I stand by what I posted.   Business men have done poorly as politicians
> for the most part.   You need statesmanship and working knowledge of how
> system works.   Its not a CEO position or dictatorship..... our government
> works because of separation of powers....the checks and balance is set up
> to prevent this.   Congress has the lowest rating ever even though
> Republicans run it.  They are so bent on stopping anything Obama does that
> it is beyond stupid.  Trump is a pervert who lusted for his daughter...
> that alone is bad...he lies about illegal workers under his watch, he lies
> about everything just about,  no one has had more fact checks disprove
> him.  I don't revise history...I don't skew the answers,  I don't cover for
> politicians....I don't swallow the bull shit....I call it as I see it based
> on research from different sources not Facebook or Fox Tv. I watch Fox to
> compare to others I watch....great thing I have Direct and TWC...I get to
> hear different perspectives from BBC, Deutsche Wells, Indian Times,
> Japanese and Mexican stations as well   Some in English and some
> not...thank you pops for encouraging us to learn several languages besides
> American!   If the shoe fits,  don't take it off...your state Rory like my
> adopted state of Texas are full of racists who like Trump is saying.  But
> thank God we are not all that dim witted to follow a fool.   Almost has a
> fanatical flavor just like idiots that take the Islamic beliefs and turn
> into a terror based murder system.     Any fanaticism is wrong.    Trump
> followers are like heroin addicts... they don't care about anything but
> their fix.... so craven lackey fits.
> On Mar 13, 2016 11:12 AM, "Rory Conaway" <r...@triadwireless.net> wrote:
> Seriously Jaime, craven lackeys?  I guess I’ve been called worse.  Are you
> even curious why both the Republican establishment and George Soros are
> both out to get him?  And don’t you want to find out what would happen if
> we put a real businessman in the White House instead of some stooge? As
> businessmen yourselves, I thought you would respect that.  Instead, you are
> more interested in your ideology than your economic welfare.
> There are those of us who simply want someone in power for once who isn’t
> owned by the establishment.  If that’s Trump, so be it.  I’d take Triumph,
> the Insult Comic dog over anything the Democrats have and clearly over Cruz
> or Rubio who have both tried to sell us out.  We are $19T in debt and it’s
> getting worse.  Other countries are bleeding us dry.   Hope and Change was
> a disaster and the corruption and immigration is worse, not better.  We are
> on the cusp of possibly electing the most evil liar ever, Hillary Clinton,
> and you think Trump would be worse without having any idea how he would
> govern.
> Wow.
> Rory
> *From:* Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:36 AM
> *To:* Animal Farm
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] "Attack on trump" video
> If someone really wants to get him no secret service is going to prevent
> it...and it doesn't have to a gun.   I don't want someone to kill him.
> Thats not what are about..  how ugly that someone in crowd yells kill him
> about protester.    Trumps followers are craven lackeys (old cold war term-
> blind followers in simple language ).   Sounded like a gladiator event.
> Sad
> On Mar 13, 2016 10:13 AM, "Josh Reynolds" <j...@kyneticwifi.com> wrote:
> I had never watched this before, but I came across it today.
> https://video.twimg.com//ext_tw_video//708728294708015104//pu//vid//640x360//yHRkyZIQTjmheSW4.mp4
> <https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/708728294708015104/pu/vid/640x360/yHRkyZIQTjmheSW4.mp4>
> "Kill him!"
> "Kick his ass Donald!"... hah, I did laugh at the yelling
> The very first thing I noticed was the super weird reactions by the
> Secret Service. Pay attention to how long it takes for somebody to
> actually stand in *front* of him, and then *behind* him. I know a bit
> about VIP protection. Not a lot mind you, but a bit. They don't seem
> the least bit worried that this was a simple misdirection to pull the
> Secret Service's attention away from the real plan. Then they open his
> circle of protection back up *very* quickly...
> Maybe I'm overanalyzing the video, and maybe I'm thinking too highly
> of the capabilities and training of the Secret Service... but this all
> just looks like amateur hour to me.

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