Well, when war wasn't on TV it was easier for the populace to ignore how horrific it is. Now we try to pretend that we can fight a war without having the horrible parts. Really, the horrible stuff still happens, but our people do it when they can get away with it, and the other guys don't care.

Rather, I think everyone (both decision makers and the general public) should learn to accept that when you go to war you are inflicting death and horror on people from both sides. You'll have dead and injured people, you'll have dead, injured, starving, and homeless civilians. You'll have people go crazy. You'll lose good will. You'll have destruction. You'll have your blood and wealth tied up in it until it's over. It won't be over until it's over. When it's over, we might have stirred up some new conflict inadvertently. If we aren't willing to live with those consequences then we shouldn't do it. If we ARE willing to do it, then don't fool around; go destroy the enemy as thoroughly as possible.

Remember when we used to declare wars? I don't. I think that went out of style before most of us were born. It's hard to get congress to get behind a war, so we call it an operation or intervention or engagement. Just a little operation overseas, we'll have our people back in 18 months no problem guys I swear.

On 3/13/2016 7:27 PM, Cameron Crum wrote:
In WWII and prior we weren't so concerned about "image" and collateral damage and what the politicians thought. We wiped out the will to fight by shear destruction. If you aren't willing to break your enemy, don't go fight. There is no making friends with those who would rather see your head and body detached.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 6:13 PM, Lewis Bergman <lewis.berg...@gmail.com <mailto:lewis.berg...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    No kidding. You would have thought after Vietnam we would have
    picked up a book on Afghanistan.

    On Sun, Mar 13, 2016, 6:03 PM Jaime Solorza
    <losguyswirel...@gmail.com <mailto:losguyswirel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Only you and few others on list are old enough to remember
        that stuff in Iraq with the Shah.  You are correct we should
        have left the Brits all that mess especially Afghanistan....
        they don't teach this in high schools... maybe at good colleges...

        On Mar 13, 2016 4:48 PM, "Lewis Bergman"
        <lewis.berg...@gmail.com <mailto:lewis.berg...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Actually, I think we screwed up the middle East when we
            drew those lines after WWI. Obama isn't the first to miss
            an opportunity. I was always against going into Iraq when
            we did. We should have gone in when he was gassing his own
            people, if ever.

            On Sun, Mar 13, 2016, 4:57 PM Chuck McCown
            <ch...@wbmfg.com <mailto:ch...@wbmfg.com>> wrote:

                I don’t think the guy ever got the ring back.
                One thing that really bugs me about Obama is that he
                had a really good chance to support the Syrian rebels
                at the start of that mess (along with the whole region
                Arab Spring movement) and he didn’t.  Will never
understand that. He clearly isn’t against bombing. Now Syria is in a similar mess as Iraq.
                After WWII it seems we intervene and it regularly goes
                to crap.  We don’t and it goes to crap.  There must be
                a lesson in there somewhere.
I guess Panama and Grenada are positive outcomes. Where else?
                *From:* Lewis Bergman <mailto:lewis.berg...@gmail.com>
                *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 3:47 PM
                *To:* af@afmug.com <mailto:af@afmug.com>
                *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: And it just gets funnier by
                the minute.....Trump takes a step toward supporting
                violence by supporters, says he may pay legal fees -
                LA Times

                Now that isn't funny at all. That really is crazy. I
                saw him on, I think, face the nation this morning. He
                was non committal on condemning that old white guy
                hitting that protestor who was being led out. Trump
                said he should not have been flipping the bird, that
                is not justification. Yikes, he reminds me of portion
                more than anyone.

                Remember when Putin stole that guys super bowl ring?
                Did he ever give that back?

                On Sun, Mar 13, 2016, 4:14 PM Jaime Solorza
                <mailto:losguyswirel...@gmail.com>> wrote:


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