I agree with this statement 100%. I have said this about Trump for almost six months now, and everyone laughed. I'm tired of the same ol' same ol'.... lifetime politicians that take money from special interest groups to keep everything running.

It's time for a change. Say what you want about Trump, but even Fortune magazine has him at a $5 Billion Net Worth. Even if he did start with $1 million from his dad 40 years ago, turning that into $5,000 million is pretty damn impressive.


On 3/13/2016 11:12 AM, Rory Conaway wrote:

Seriously Jaime, craven lackeys? I guess I’ve been called worse. Are you even curious why both the Republican establishment and George Soros are both out to get him? And don’t you want to find out what would happen if we put a real businessman in the White House instead of some stooge? As businessmen yourselves, I thought you would respect that. Instead, you are more interested in your ideology than your economic welfare.

There are those of us who simply want someone in power for once who isn’t owned by the establishment. If that’s Trump, so be it. I’d take Triumph, the Insult Comic dog over anything the Democrats have and clearly over Cruz or Rubio who have both tried to sell us out. We are $19T in debt and it’s getting worse. Other countries are bleeding us dry. Hope and Change was a disaster and the corruption and immigration is worse, not better. We are on the cusp of possibly electing the most evil liar ever, Hillary Clinton, and you think Trump would be worse without having any idea how he would govern.



*From:*Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
*Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:36 AM
*To:* Animal Farm
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] "Attack on trump" video

If someone really wants to get him no secret service is going to prevent it...and it doesn't have to a gun. I don't want someone to kill him. Thats not what are about.. how ugly that someone in crowd yells kill him about protester. Trumps followers are craven lackeys (old cold war term- blind followers in simple language ). Sounded like a gladiator event. Sad

On Mar 13, 2016 10:13 AM, "Josh Reynolds" <j...@kyneticwifi.com <mailto:j...@kyneticwifi.com>> wrote:

I had never watched this before, but I came across it today.

https://video.twimg.com//ext_tw_video//708728294708015104//pu//vid//640x360//yHRkyZIQTjmheSW4.mp4 <https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/708728294708015104/pu/vid/640x360/yHRkyZIQTjmheSW4.mp4>

"Kill him!"

"Kick his ass Donald!"... hah, I did laugh at the yelling

The very first thing I noticed was the super weird reactions by the
Secret Service. Pay attention to how long it takes for somebody to
actually stand in *front* of him, and then *behind* him. I know a bit
about VIP protection. Not a lot mind you, but a bit. They don't seem
the least bit worried that this was a simple misdirection to pull the
Secret Service's attention away from the real plan. Then they open his
circle of protection back up *very* quickly...

Maybe I'm overanalyzing the video, and maybe I'm thinking too highly
of the capabilities and training of the Secret Service... but this all
just looks like amateur hour to me.

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