It’s like you want a cheeseburger and someone offers you the choice of 
watermelon, cantaloupe, or kiwi fruit.  None of them is even close to what you 
want.  Maybe you take the kiwi fruit because it’s the most “different” of the 
choices, or to protest the lack of cheeseburgers on the menu, but now they 
think you love kiwi fruit and order more for you.

My son is a Bernie supporter but would probably vote for Ron Paul before any of 
the other candidates running, and would probably pick Vermin Supreme if the 
only other choice was Donald Trump.  I’m not sure Bernie supporters necessarily 
go to Hillary.  Voter turnout among young people tends to be low, and if they 
don’t have a candidate they like, maybe they just stay home.

From: Sean Heskett 
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [political] [utah]

What matters is the delegate count though, here's the totals that each 
candidate gained last night: 

Trump: 58
Cruz: 40
Kasich: 0

Clinton: 51
Sanders : 57

So in essence nothing changed.  Also come Nov all the Sanders supporters will 
vote for Clinton because they are really not that much different.  But on the 
republican side most non-trump supporters are pretty squeamish about actually 
voting for trump.  Polls* have shown that non-trump republicans would rather:
1. not vote 
2. write in someone else 
3. just vote for Clinton to make sure trump is nowhere near the nuclear 

(*polls this far out are pretty meaningless tho...hello president Giuliani, 
Romney, Huckabee, Santorum ;-)


On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, Josh Reynolds <> wrote:


  So I'm watching the polling right now.. it's *very* early, only 3% (R)
  and 11% (D) ballots counted.
  [R] So far It's Cruz 58.8%, Kasich 22.0%, Trump 19.2%.
  [D] So far it's Sanders 74.8%, Clinton 24.1%.

  Since you're over there in beautiful Utah, I'm interested in hearing
  your (and others) thoughts on this so far.

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